
Unit 4 Where is my car 课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:3398192Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件32张PPT。Unit4 Where is my car?读读以下单词,每个读两次:whereoninunderdeskchairboxWhat is this?carWhat is this?capballboatcarWhere is the ball?It’s under the chair.Where is the ball?It’s in the toy box.(玩具盒子)toy boxWhat‘s that under the boat?在小船下面的是什么呢?mapmapMap, map. Read a map. 地图,地图。看地图。car/Car, car. Drive a car. 小汽车,小汽车,开小汽车boatBoat, boat. Row a boat. 小船,小船,划船ballBall, ball. Bounce a ball. 球,球,拍球。capCap, cap. Put on a cap. 帽子,帽子,戴帽子Zoom找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!Where is the boat? Is it in the toy box?Is it under the desk?No, it isn’t.Yes, it is.Zoom找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!Where is the ball? Is it in the toy box?Yes, it is.Zoom找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!Where is the cap? Is it in the toy box?Is it on the desk?No, it isn’t.Yes, it is.Sharp eyesLet’s play冰山一角游戏规则:根据看到的物体一部分进行猜测。冰山一角car冰山一角boat冰山一角map冰山一角cap冰山一角ballMissing gametoycarcapboxdeskchairballcarcapballboat找朋友A: Where is my ? B: Is it ? A: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Let’s play(Pair work)游戏说明:一学生把自己的学习用品藏起来,另一学生猜。你知道6月1日是什么节日吗? 你是怎么度过这一天的呢?Homework:1.Write the words five times; 2.会用英语猜物品的位置。Bye-bye !

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