
Unit 9 Around the city 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:42次 大小:5900288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Around the city Oxford English Module 3 Out and about 新牛津5A 请自行插入一首跟方向有关的歌曲 Sing a song left right Look and learn Who’s sitting on your left? Who’s sitting on your right? What’s on your left? What’s on your right? There’s a library. There’s a hospital. What can you do in a hotel? Have a big dinner. Have a party. Have a meeting. Have a wedding. … hospital hotel museum bank bakery cinema It’s a … It’s … and … There is/are… … work … People … I sometimes ... hospital What can you do in a hospital? I can see a doctor. hospital hotel dentist’s Jill has a toothache. She can go to the … Jill’s father has a headache today. He can go to the … Jill’s mother is having a holiday in Australia. She can stay in a … What’s around Jill’s home? What’s your favourite place around your home? Around our school Turn right at Park Road. You can see a . Turn left right at Park Road. You can see a . post office hospital You are here. How do I get to the post office? You are here. Go along Park Road. Walk straight. The post office is on your left. left right turn left turn right walk straight Simons says turn right. Turn left. Simon says touch your right ear. Turn right. turn left turn right Walk straight Walk straight Turn left walk straight turn right How do I get to the toy shop? _____ Flower Road. The toy shop is on your ____. How do I get to City Cinema? _____. How do I get to the bookshop? Walk along Brown Street. Turn right. Cross Tree Road. Park Road Tree Road Flower Road Walk along Water Street. Turn right. The bookshop is on your right. What’s your favourite place around our school? Report: Our favourite places around our school place name restaurant park cinema library ... Q4 Q3 Q 2 Q 1 What’s the place? Where is it? Why do you like the place? How do you get there? 1. Read the dialogue on page 58. 2. Talk about your favourite place around the school. 3. Finish Workbook pages 50 and 52.

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