
Unit 2 The United Kingdom---reading 教学课件 (共28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:3500429Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。On June 23, 2016, a country left the European Union (EU) after a national vote.BrexitBritain exiting from the EU['bresit](the UK left the EU )?What will come into your mind when it comes to the ?Big Ben Buckingham Palace London Tower BridgeBritish Broadcasting Companydouble-decker bus telephone boxpubfootball gamesAll of them are famous people of _____.England?the UK?Great Britain?All of them are famous people of _____.England?the UK?Great Britain?Are they different?ScanningTask 1 A puzzleScan the text to find out one paragraph in which we can find the three words below.ScanningTask 1 A puzzleScan Para. 2 to fill in the blanks below.WalesEnglandScotlandGreat Britain consists of _____. The United Kingdom consists of_____.How was the UK united? In 221 BC, China was united by Qin state after many wars and conflicts. Was the UK united in the same way?Careful readingHow did the UK come into being?First, … Next, … Finally, …Word assistant:link ≈ join ≈ connect Happily…without conflict… Finally… in the same peaceful way. to their credit: make them deserve praise or respect currency: the type of money that a country uses industrial (adj.) ? industry (n.) For historical architecture… built by the Romans. There have been… invaders. The first… left… The second… left…Task 2 More puzzles in geographyIn the 17th century, “_____ _____” was formed when England and Wales were connected to Scotland in a _____ way.Great BritainpeacefulWalesScotlandIn the 13th century, Wales was joined to _____.EnglandTask 2 More puzzles in geographyIn the early 20th century, the _____ part of Ireland was _____ to be linked to the UK and broke away to form its own government.southernunwillingSo only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the _____ _____. Its flag, the Union Jack, is a symbol of ____. (A.Cooperation; B. Peace; C. Unity)UnitedKingdomTask 2 More puzzles in geographyAmong the four countriesNorthern IrelandWalesEnglandScotlandInstitutionsTask 2 More puzzles in geographyThe zone nearest _____ is called the South of England, where most of the _____ is settled.FrancepopulationEnglandTask 2 More puzzles in geographyThe zone nearest to Scotland is known as the _____, where most of the _____ cities lie.NorthindustrialLondon is the greatest historical _____ of all, which is also the center of national government and its administration. It has the oldest port, building(or _____) and castle.treasurearchitectureScotlandEnglandThe _____ sets of invaders of England left their towns, roads, language, _____, and castles. fourgovernmentRomansAnglo-SaxonsVikingsNormansLondonOutline of the text Part 1 (Para _____ ) Part 2 (Para _____ ) Part 3 (Para _____ ) How did the UK come into being?England is divided into 3 zones.The cultural importance of London.1-3 45-6Since you have known much about the UK, can you help those who are still puzzled?Task 3 Welcome to the United Kingdom Deliver a speech to briefly introduce the United Kingdom. A ... ...

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