
Module 6 The Tang Poems reading(共43张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:671976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件43张PPT。Module 6The Tang Poems高中第八册What do you know about the Tang Dynasty? How big is it? Can you name some famous persons in this dynasty? What were the greatest achievements of the Tang Dynasty? Can you give some examples?the Silk Roadthe Tang DynastyDo you like Tang poems? Who’s your favorite Tang poet? And what’s your favorite Tang poem?Du FuLi BaiFamous poetsFamous poets Bai Juyi Wang Wei Liu Yuxi Du MuListen and enjoy the poem.(1) Who is the poet of this poem? (2) What’s the topic of the poem? (3) What other Tang poets do you know?Do you know him?Li BaiWhich poems of Li Bai do you know?Let's enjoy a poem of Li Bai!acquaintance farewell bar gird thistledown part steed neigh seedn. 泛泛之交 n. 告别 v. 摒除,阻挡 v. 围绕 n. 蓟种子冠毛 n. 分手,分离 n. 骏马 v. (马)嘶鸣 n. 种子New WordsFarewell to a Friend Blue mountains bar the northern sky; White river girds the eastern town. Here is the place to say goodbye; You’ll drift like lonely thistledown. With floating cloud you’ll float away; Like parting day I’ll part from you. You wave your hand and go your way; Your steed still neighs “Adieu! Adieu!” The English version1. Who do you think the poet’s “friend” is? A close friend or an acquaintance?A close friend.2. Do you know why the poet is saying farewell?His friend is going away.Reading Comprehension3. Where do you think it takes place? Possibly at the edge of a town. 4. Is the friend going away for a long time? Yes. Words like “part” and “Adieu” indicate they will not see each other for a long time. 5. How is the friend going to travel? On his horse (steed).effect image mood rhyme rhythm subjecta description of something that uses language the regular strong sounds in a poem or song the topic the feeling created by a poem or song (for example) a result the use of words that have the same final sounds (for example, what and not)Match the words with their meanings.1. The subject of the poem Parting from a friend. 2. The mood of the poem Sadness and regret. 3. The images the poet use The poet uses the images of mountains, sky, river, cloud and sun.Analysis of the poemLet's come to the passage The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry!Words previewdynasty expansion tolerant cosmopolitan Persian Arab Jew Buddhismn.朝,代 n.扩张 adj.宽容的,容忍的 adj.兼容并包的 n.波斯人 n.阿拉伯人 n.犹太人 n.佛教astronomy shadow altitude specialist share advance syllable failuren.天文学 n.影子,阴影 n.高度,海拔 n.专家 v.分享,共享 n.进步,进展 n.音节 n.失败者suffering corruption merchant irregular realist romantic take hold of reflectionn.痛苦,苦难 n.腐败,堕落 n.商人 adj.不规则的,无规律的 n.现实主义作家 n.浪漫主义作家 抓住 n.倒影SkimmingTo get general ideasA great dynastyAn exciting cultureTechnology and progressTang poetryDu FuLi BaiFill in the blanks. To solve difficult pointsCareful readingLanguage Points It’s a time of expansion. ★ time 意为“时期, 时代” in time of war /peace 在战时/和平时期 at flowering time 在开花时节 The new president i ... ...

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