
Unit 5 First Aid Using Learning about language 课件(41张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:3990656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件41张PPT。First aidUnit 5At the end of the class, you are supposed to describe the injured person’s symptoms(症状) and the ways to deal with the injury.Challenge yourself You can choose any picture you like. There is a word behind each picture. Guess what the words are after reading the explanation.Guessing wordshospitalpatientdoctorambulanceoperationtabletcapsulenursefirst-aid boxfirst aidinjection the layer(层) of tissue(组织) that covers the bodyskin injuredIf you had a car accident, you may get _____.the tool used to cut your hair scissors gentle, not serious mildvery important vitalWhen playing basketball, you got a serious injury on the head. The doctor may cover _____ around your head. bandageseveral different kinds of the same thing varietywater, juice and milk are all _____ liquids You are a LUCKY dog! to make something out of a tube squeezeto become bigger swollenswellswelledskin get injured scissors mild vital bandagevariety liquid squeeze swell—swelled-swollenwords-revisionskin get injured scissors mild vital bandagevariety liquid squeeze swell—swelled-swollenwords-revisionYou can get burned by a variety of things,such as hot liquids, steam and the sun. 2.There are various ways to solve the problem. 3. The ages of students vary from 16 to 18.variety各种各样的各种各样的从…到…变化I went into the garden and saw _____. 2. The teacher makes her students delighted in _____ ways. practicea variety of flowersvarious flowersa variety of various3. Jorgen is from Denmark. Khaled is from London. We are all Chinese. There are _____ people living in Beijing.practicea variety of variousYesterday I went to the market and found bananas were sold¥6/kg, apples ¥ 7/kg and oranges ¥4/kg. So the prices of fruits_____. = = practiceare variousSo …vary from ¥4 to ¥7/kg. So the fruits vary in price.1. There are2. People3.The injuriesa variety of/ various injuries.get injured in a variety of / various ways.vary from person to person.Mild sunburn is a first degree burn. 2. Eric is a mild boy who never shouts. mild轻微的温和的The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. 2. The old man suffered a heart attack. But it is not serious. practiceThe weather is mild.The old man suffered a mild heart attack.3.Tom’s mother is very kind and easy going. practiceTom’s mother is mild.Put the cloths into water, then squeeze out the water and place it on the burned area. 2. He was so fat that he could not squeeze in the bus because it was too crowded. squeeze squeezesqueezeoutin挤出挤进 He _____ and began to brush his teeth. 2.The salesgirl _____ on the cake and wrote “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. practicesqueezed out some toothpastesqueezed out some cream3. Bob got caught in the rain. He took off his wet clothes and _____. practicesqueezed out the water 4.The bus was so crowded , but I managed to _____. practicesqueeze in5. He did not think the story funny, so he smiled unwillingly. = practiceHe did not think the story funny, so he squeezed out a smile. 6. I ordered ... ...

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