
Unit4 Asking for help Fun time & Story time同步课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:54次 大小:13032622Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教版 一年级起点 五年级上 Unit 4 Shopping Day Fun time & Storytime Presentation Bill: Oh no, Yaoyao! That building is on fire. Yaoyao: Quick, let’s call 119. Fun time be on fire 着火 let’s= let us 让我们 Presentation Binbin: We are lost. What can we do? Andy: Don’t worry. We can call 110. The police can help us. Fun time be lost 迷路 别担心 警察 Presentation Jack: What’s the matter, Granny? Granny: I can’t move. Jack: Mum, please call 120. Fun time 怎么了? ?[mu?v] 移动 Presentation Andy: Be careful! Dad: Oh no! I hit that car! Andy: We should call 122. The police will come and check. Fun time 碰撞 情态动词 应该 +动词原形 检查 当心 Presentation Mary and her mother are flying over the mountains in a small plane. Story time 飞过山脉 在一架小型飞机里 Presentation Suddenly there is a loud noise. The plane has a problem! It crashes. Story time [?s?d?nli]突然 一声巨响 [?pr?bl?m] 问题 ?[kr??] 碰撞 Presentation Mary’s mother is hurt. She says, “ Mary, I can’t move. We need help.” Story time [h?:t] 受伤 需要 need 用法 need 既可以做实义动词,又可以作情态动词,意思均为“需要” 一.做实义动词 1)need sth 需要某物 Does he need a pen? 2)need to do sth 需要做某事 He needs to finish his homework first. 3)need doing 需要/ 应该做某事 The house needs cleaning. Presentation 二. need作情态动词,后接动词原形,可用于疑问句、否定句 Need he sweep the floor now? You needn’t hand in your homework today. Presentation 紧急求助电话 110—警匪电话。遇到紧急情况,如被盗、抢劫等,拨打110,讲清楚 发生了什么事情,准确报明事发地点,请求警察帮助。 119—火警电话。遇到着火的情况,首先要拨打119,讲明火灾情况如 何、地点在哪里,请消防队提供帮助,不能夸大或缩小事实。火警电 话和警匪电话都不能乱拨,否则要承担法律责任。 Presentation 紧急求助电话 120—急救电话。遇到突发疾病,需要紧急送到医院,可以拨打120.讲 明白病人发病的症状,如果知道病人得的是什么病,也要跟医院讲明 ,医院的急救车会以最快的速度前来提供帮助。 122—交通报警电话。遇到交通事故拨打122,讲明出事地点,交警会 感到出事地点处理问题。 Presentation Presentation Mary has a good idea. She writes SOS with her feet in the snow. Story time 有一个好主意 单数 foot 脚 Presentation A plane flies over the mountains. The pilot see the SOS and calls for help. Story time 飞 fly ?[?ma?nt?n] 山脉 多功能的for 1)for表示对象、用途等,意为“给;对” Here’s a letter for you. I have milk for breakfast. 2)for表示目的或功能 Let’s go for a walk. Presentation Presentation Finally, a helicopter rescues Mary and her mother. They are safe. Story time ?[?hel?k?pt?] 直升机 ?[?reskju?] 营救 ? ?[se?f] 安全的 n safety Practice Put the sentences in order. ( )Mary’s mother is hurt. ( )The plane crashes. ( )Mary and her mother are flying in a small plane. ( )Mary writes SOS with her feet in the snow. ( )A helicopter comes to rescue them. ( )Another pilot see the SOS and calls for help. 3 1 5 2 4 6 一. 选择正确句子 What’s the matter Don’t worry Be careful 1) -- I can’t find my bike. -- _____! Let’s call 110. 2) _____ ! There are many car ... ...

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