
Module 3 Daily life习题课件(13张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:676349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件13张PPT。Module 3 Daily life词汇练习 *句型练习 *阅读理解练习 *词汇练习一、英汉互译weekdaylifemarketcinemalibrary1.工作日 3.生活 5. 市场 7. 电影院 9. 图书馆 2.周末 weekend4. 冰激淋ice cream6.宫殿 palace8. 在外面out10. 体育场 gym词汇练习11.经常 13. 总是 15. 从不 oftenalwaysnever12. 通常 14. 有时 16. 很少,不常 usuallysometimesseldom词汇练习二、看图片,说短语。 play computer gamesplay table tenniswatch TVplay music词汇练习I o_____ go swimming on the weekend. Bob usually plays football after school in the p_____. Lily always s_____ at home at the weekend. My father never goes to the c____. He does not like films. He is always b____ on the weekdays. He is not free. 三、单词首字母提示,补全句子。oftenplaygroundstayscinemabusy句型练习一、根据汉语意思,说出英语句子。—你经常游泳吗? —有时。 2. 她一点也不喜欢音乐。 —Do you often go swimming? — Sometimes. She doesn’t like music at all.句型练习3. —你爸爸周一下班后通常做什么? —他经常锻炼。 4. —你的妈妈经常在周末去购物吗? — 总是。 —What does your father often do after work on Monday? — He often takes exercise. — Does your mother often go shopping at the weekend? — Always. 句型练习( ) 1. The little girl _____ music every evening. A. play B. to play C. plays ( ) 2. —Does she sing very well? — __ __. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she is. C.No,she does. ( ) 3. They always ___ up early in the morning A. wakes B. wake C. waking ( ) 4. — What __ your mother usually do on the weekend? — She usually ___ TV at home. A. does; watch B. does; watches C: do; watches ( ) 5. ___ he like taking photos? A. Is B. Do C. Does 二 、单项选择CABBC句型练习三、根据上下文,选择合适的句子补全对话。A: _____, David? B: Yes, I like drawing very much. A: _____? B: I usually draw pictures on the weekend. A: _____? B: Of course, I do. I love all sports, like swimming and skating. A: Well, _____? B: Shopping? I don’t like shopping. I think it is boring. A: The last one. _____? B: Yes, I love films. I often go to the cinema on weekends. A: Thank you very much .A: When do you draw? B: Do you like shopping? C: Do you like drawing? D: Do you like films?. E: Do you like sports? CAEBD阅读理解练习读一读下面的对话,与你的伙伴一起创编新对话练一练,演一演吧!(红色部分可替换为其他词汇哦!)A: Do you like swimming, Tom? B: Yes, I often go swimming on the weekend. What about you? A: I don’t like swimming. I think it is boring. B: Do you play music? A: Yes, I like it very much. B: Do you play music every day? A: Yes, I usually play music every evening. 阅读理解练习一、阅读对话,判断正(√)误(×)。A: Where is Bill now? B: He may be in the library. He often does some reading there every day. A: Does he go swimming? B: No, he never goes swimming. He doesn’t like it. ( ) 1.Bill often does some reading in the library on weekends. ( ) 2.Bill does not like swimming. ×√阅读理解练习二、阅读小短文,判断对“T”错“F”My brother is always busy on Saturdays. He often gets up early. Then he goes running for an hour. Then he has breakfast. At around 1 ... ...

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