
Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream? 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:78次 大小:6189973Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Module 5 Unit 1Can I have an ice cream?Amy is at home.She is _____.illWhat’s the matter with Amy? Can you answer?ABCDECan you choose?Mum, can I have a drink, please?juicemilkwaterdrinksMum, can I have a drink, please?Can I watch TV, please?Can I have an ice cream, please?Yes. Here you are.Yes, you can.No, you can’t.It’s a sunny day. But Amy is at home. She _____ have a drink. She ____ watch TV. But she _____ have an ice cream. And she _____ go to the shop for an ice cream. Because she is _____.cancancan’tcan’tillCan you retell?I can’t use chopsticks. Can I _____, please?Can you say it?use a knife and forkIt’s sunny today. Can I _____, please?Mum, look at those ducks over there. Can I _____, please?play footballfeed the ducksCan Amy go to the shop for an ice cream? A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t.Can you do it?What does Amy say to Mum? A. Can I have a drink? B. Can you have a drink?HomeworkL&R M5U1 * 3 AB:P 18-19. 预习M5U2. 组长收NB!

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