
Unit 1 How can I get there? 习题课件 (共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:71次 大小:1536377Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 1 How can I get there?1.the museum shop? 2.near the door? 3.在博物馆里?? 4.邮局?5.my city? 6.near the park? 7.把它寄出? 8.买一张明信片?博物馆的商店?在门旁边?in the museumpost office?我的城市?在公园旁边?send it?buy a postcard?Ⅱ.根据中文提示完成句子。1.邮局在哪儿? ???? Where is the ? 2.它在公园旁边。 ???? It is? ?. 3.我想要今天把它寄出去。 ???? I to it today.post?office near the ?park?want??send ?Ⅲ.情景交际。(? ?)1.当你想表达你想要买一张明信片,你应说: A.I want to buy a post office. B.I want to buy a postcard. (? ?)2.当你想知道博物馆商店在哪里,你应问: A.Where is the museum shop? B.Where is the science museum? (? )3.当你感叹博物馆真棒时,你应说: A.What a great museum! B.What a great cinema! BAA?Ⅰ.补充单词并连线。o?a?o??e?i?Ⅱ.根据句意及中文提示填写出下面的单词。1.These? (明信片) are great . 2.There is a ?pet ? ?? (宠物医院) in my city. 3.Is? (爷爷) there? 4.The museum is next to the? ?(书店). 5.Mexico is ?(在……后面) the post office.postcards?hospitalgrandfather/grandpa?bookstore?behindⅢ.选词填空。1.I want buy a postcard. 2.It's to the museum. 3.What ? ? great museum! 4.There is a pet hospital my city.5.Where ? the post office??to??next? a?in?is?Ⅰ.单项选择。(? ?)1.What interesting film! ???? A.a B.an C.the (? ?)2.—Where is the restaurant? ???? —It's next to the park Dadong Street. ???? A.in B.at C.on ( ?)3.Then turn right the hospital. ???? A.at B.on C.in BCA?Ⅱ.按要求写句子。1.The restaurant is ?next to the park?.(对画线部分提问) ???? 2.Wu Yifan wants to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant.(英译汉) 3.There is a bookstore over there.(改为一般疑问句) ???? ?Where is the restaurant?吴一凡想要去意大利餐厅吃一些匹萨。?Is there a bookstore over there??Ⅲ.根据句意和图片提示,补全句子。turn ? ?left?post ? ?officehospitalⅠ.选择正确的答案,完成单词。( ?)1.cr??ssing(十字路口)A.e B.o C.a (? ?)2.r??ght(右)A.a B.e C.i (? ?)3.t??r??(转弯)A.u,n B.a,e C.i,a (? ?)4.l??f??(左)A.e,e B.a,t C.e,t ( ??)5.str?? ??ght(笔直地)A.ai B.ur C.ei?BCACAⅡ.根据图片写出单词或词组。?Ⅲ.补全对话。1-4:BAECⅠ.单项选择。( ?)1. Now we behind the hospital. ???? A. is? B. are? C. Am (? )2. Turn left the bookstore. ???? A. At B. In C. on (? ?)3. What interesting film! ???? A. A B. An C./ (?? )4. It‘s next to the park Dongfang street. ???? A. In B. At C. on (? ?)5. Can you help ? ???? A. He B. She C. herB?A?BCⅡ.根据句意及中文提示填写出下面的单词。1.My new GPS ? (奏效;起作用). 2.?How ? ?(多少) places did they pass by? 3.Turn left at the ? (书店). 4.We're (在……前面) the cinema. 5.How can he get there from the ? (邮局)?works?many??in ? ?front ? ?of ? ?post ? ?officeⅢ.情景交际。(? ?)1.当你想知道电影院在哪里时,你应说: A.Where is the park? B.Where is the museum? C.Where is the cinema? (?? )2.当你想知道它离这里远不远时,你应说: A.Is it near here? B.Is it far from here? C.It is far? Let‘s check,Let's wrap i ... ...

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