
Unit5 Wild Animals第一课时Welcome to this unit课件+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:56次 大小:14672027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5第一课时Wild Animals教学设计 课题 Wild Animals 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学习 目标 知识与能力目标: To learn some words and description about wild animals.. 过程与方法目标: To introduce the topic of the unit To help the students focus on wild animals. To learn more about wild animals and express their preference. 情感态度价值观目标: To learn to respect and protect wild animals and nature. 重点 To learn something about wild animals and express their preference. 难点 To talk about students’ favourite animals. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Lead in: Choose the different animal in four and explain why. Ask some students to give their answer. Encourage them to give more answers by considering different aspect. If the students can’t speak out the word of some animal, write down the word on blackboard and read some times. 从四种动物中选择与众不同的一个,说明理由。尽量从不同的角度来思考。学习部分有关动物的名词。 引起学生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生用不同角度来分析问题。初步掌握一些单词。 讲授新课 1. Comic Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. Why don’t Eddie want to live in the world? Is Eddie willing to share the food with Hobo? Is Eddie eating wild animals? Ask some students to show their answer. Read the dialogue and translate its meaning. Two students in a group, role-play the dialogue on Page 56. 2. Activity Introduce the third animal on your list. Size and shape Colour Live place Food Habit …… 3. New words Show the new words (with their pictures) Explain the pronunciation meaning, application, extension of each word. The new words are: wild free dish pity die Dolphin giant panda squirrel zebra Game: You act, I guess Student A stand back to the screen and student B see the words and act it out to make student A guess what it is. Finish the practice: The Wild animals Club is doing a quiz on wild animals. How much do you know about them? Write the correct names under the pictures. Ask one student to write the word on blackboard. Activity: Who can first get what this animal is? With the hint shown one by one, guess what is this animal. 4. dialogue Listen to the dialogue and match their favourite animals. Listen to the dialogue again and read the dialogue. Translate them. Ask some students to act. 5. Language points Learn its meaning and usage: have/take pity on translate these phrase: wild animal live in the wild I don’t think so dishes on the table any time no way in fact the king of the animal world 6. Practice Fill in the blanks according to the hint of the first letter. Translate these sentences into English. 7. Summary: Words: wild free dish pity die Dolphin giant panda squirrel zebra Phrase: have/take pity on wild animal live in the wild I don’t think so dishes on the table any time no way in fact the king of the animal world Homework: 1. Write an article about your “favourite animal”. 2. Preview the second part “Reading” . 听录音,回答问题。 阅读对话,并两人一组,表演对话。 3分钟头脑风暴 ... ...

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