
Unit 6 How many? 英语单元知识点和口试内容

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:49次 大小:10741Byte 来源:二一课件通
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PEP2英语单元知识点和口试内容 Unit 6 口试内容 口试类型 与评价 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen 单词认读 (5) _____ sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty A: Look at the kites! B: Wow, so beautiful! A: How many kites do you see? B: 1, 2… I see 12! A: No! The black one is a bird! B: Oh! 对话背诵 (10) _____ A: Wu Yifan, what’s this? B: My new crayons. A: Wow! How many crayons do you have? B: Open it and see! A: 1, 2 …16. You have 16 crayons! lap, sat, leg, west, wit, fix, dot, hop, lust, cut 音素拼读(5) _____ I see five flowers. I see eleven flowers. I see fifteen flowers. I see twenty flowers now. How many flowers do you have? 语篇朗读(10) _____ P59 A: How many _____s do you see? B: I see _____. A: How many _____s do you have? B: I have_____. 看图问答 (5) _____ Let’s chant P59 Spell and chant P60 My hand has five little fingers, My legs have ten little toes. My dog has one cute little face. But my duck has one big nose. Let’s chant P62 Let’s sing P64 Story time P65 拓展表演 (选一项) (5) _____ 语法 How many后加名词的复数形式 如:-- How many rulers do you see? -- I see twelve. -- How many pens do you see? -- I have one. 数词11—12不规则 eleven, twelve 数词13—19 结尾是teen fifteen, seventeen 数词20 结尾是ty twenty 口语评价:_____(40)

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