
Unit 3 At the zoo 英语单元知识点和口试内容

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:35次 大小:11548Byte 来源:二一课件通
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PEP2英语单元知识点和口试内容 Unit 3 口试内容 口试类型与评价 thin, fat, tall, short 单词认读 (5) _____ small, big, long, short A: Look at the giraffe. B: Wow! It’s so tall! C: A bear! B: Ha! It’s short and fat! 对话背诵 (10) _____ A: Come here, children! Look at the elephant. B: Wow! It has a long nose. C: It has a short tail. D: It has small eyes and big ears. big, six, pig, milk dip, sit, mix, pit 音素拼读(5) _____ It’s small and thin. It’s a mouse It’s big and fat. It’s a panda. It has a long tail and big eyes. It’s a fish. It has a long body and short legs. It’s a dog. 语篇朗读(10) _____ P25 P29 Look at the _____. It’s _____ It has _____. 看图问答 (5) _____ Let’s do P25 Spell and chant P26 I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink. A big pink pig. I see a pig. A big pink pig. Let’s do P28 Let’s sing P30 Story time P31 拓展表演 (选一项) (5) _____ 语法 身体部位名词的单复数: 单数:a nose, a head, a body, a tail, a mouth 复数:eyes, ears, legs, hands, arms, feet 描述动物: It is small. It is fat. It has a big body. It has big eyes. 口语评价_____(40)

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