
Unit 2 We are in the east of the city 单元测试卷(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:77次 大小:83968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2 We are in the east of the city.单元测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 beside finally south sound north direction west east 二、听录音,选出你所听到的词汇。 ( ) 1. A. in the east B. to the west ( ) 2. A. north B. south ( ) 3. A. next to B. between ( ) 4. A. go straight B. turn south ( ) 5. A. look at B. take around ( ) 6. A. shopping centre B. office building 三、听录音,排序。 ( ) There is a school between the park and the lake. ( ) Good. That sounds very interesting! ( ) Finally, we can take a bus to the south. ( ) Go south. You will see a factory. ( ) It’s in the north of the city. 笔试部分 一、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. north B. south C. sound ( ) 2. A. centre B. between C. in ( ) 3. A. go straight B. turn south C. finally ( ) 4. A. bank B. east C. hotel ( ) 5. A. take around B. turn left C. next to 二、看图,写单词。 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 三、选词填空。 next to beside sounds Turn east between (1) There is a famous park and a small lake _____ the shopping centre. (2) _____ the bookshop is a big shopping centre. (3) That _____ very interesting! (4) The bank is _____ the hotel and the office building. (5) _____ and go straight. You will see our new school. 四、选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. We are _____ the east of the city. A. in B. at ( ) 2. We can take a bus _____ the south. A. next to B. to ( ) 3. _____. You will see a factory. A. Go south B. Go to south ( ) 4. Turn _____ and go straight. A. to west B. west ( ) 5. Look at the map. This is the park. It’s in the _____. A. west B. west direction 五、补全对话。 A. There is a hospital between the school and the bank. And there is a small lake beside the hospital. B. Go north. You will see a building. Then turn east. C. We are in the north of the city. (1) --Where are we now? --Look at the map. _____ (2) --Can you tell me where the bookshop is? -- _____ You will see the bookshop. (3) --What is there between the school and the bank? -- _____ 参考答案 听力部分 听力材料 一、 finally direction beside sound east 二、 1. in the east 2. south 3. between 4. go straight 5. take around 6. office building 三、 1. It’s in the north of the city. 2. Go south. You will see a factory. 3. There is a school between the park and the lake. 4. Finally, we can take a bus to the south. 5. Good. That sounds very interesting. 听力答案 一、 finally direction beside sound east 二、 1-6 ABBABB 三、 35421 笔试部分 一、 1-5 CACBC 二、 1. north 2. south 3. west 4. east 三、 (1) beside (2) Next to (3) sounds (4) between (5) Turn east 四、 1-5 ABABA 五、 (1)-(3) CBA 4 / 5

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