
2018学年温州新力量联盟第一学期期中考试 高一英语(有听力音频及材料)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:32次 大小:24351836Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2018学年第一学期温州新力量联盟期中考试 高一英语答案 命题:温州市第六十一中学 磨题:温州市第二十一中学 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 1-5 ABABC 6-10 CBCAA 11-15 CCACC 16-20 BBABA 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 21-25 AACBB 26-28 CBD 29-33 BAEDF 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分40分) 34-38 BCDAD 39-43 BCCAB 44-48 DBCDA 49-53 ABDAC 54. countries?????????55. are found??? 56. a ????? ? 57. who?? ?????58. reaches? 59. widely????? ?? 60. to learn???? ???? 61. with???? ?? 62. it 63. more important 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分) Dear Zhang Wei, I’m sorry that you are having trouble in learning English well. Don’t worry. Here are some useful suggestions to help you. First, you could listen to the teacher carefully and take notes so that you can go over your lessons after class. Besides, you can watch English movies and communicate with your classmates after class. In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly. Finally, it will be a good idea to read English newspaper to enrich your vocabulary. I hope you can find these ideas useful and get along well with your English. Yours, Li Hua (97 words) 第二节: 读后续写(满分15分) One possible version Dario’s mother smiled at Mrs Gilbert. “Thank you for your gift and advice. I think we should apologize for what we did that night. We were too excited to realize how late it was.” She said. Then Mrs Gilbert followed, “Actually, you played very well and I’m also fond of music, but jazzy music sounds a little noisy at night.” Hearing this, Dario made a promise not to play so late at night. After all the guests arrived, Dario went up to the piano to practise the new music, The beautiful light music filled the living room, making everybody very happy. (95words) 听力原文: (Text 1) W: Great! They’re the very books I want. May I borrow these two? M: Sure. But you can only keep them for a week. (Text 2) W: I have to drive to London today. But it’s going to be foggy. I heard it on the radio. M: Well, drive carefully, Mum. Will it be windy too? W: I don’t think so. When it’s foggy, it’s not usually windy. (Text 3) W: Sir, could you please help me? I can’t find my boy! M: Can you describe him for me? W: He’s 5 years old, about 120 centimeters tall. He has a round face and wears a green T-shirt. (Text 4) M: It’s really hot. The temperature must be over 35 degrees centigrade. The forecast is for rain in the afternoon. W: Why not put off the picnic until tomorrow? (Text 5) W: Last night I watched a TV series. It is very good. It’s about cats. M: Is it? I’m interested in cats. I’d like to watch the programme too. (Text 6) W: Your TV ads said that your big shoe sale is still going on. M: Yes, madam. What can I help you find today? W: Well, I’m looking for some medium-sized shoes with about 6-centimeter heels. M: I think I have what you’re looking for. How about these black shoes? W: Yes, just like that. Except… could you check if you have th ... ...

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