

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:12497098Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    八年英语期中质量检测听力材料 I.听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。(5分) What does she do on weekends? How often do you go to the movies? What do you think of the clothes store? What would he like? Do you want to watch the news? II.听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。(5分) W: Tim, how do you usually go to work? M: By bus. It’s far from my house. It takes me about 25 minutes to get from my home to the office. Q: How long does it take Tim to get from his home to his office by bus? W: Where did you go on vacation? M: I went to New York with my parents. Q: Who did the boy go on vacation with? W: What does your mother do on weekends? M: She sometimes goes shopping. Q: Does the boy’s mother often go shopping? W: Which subject do you like best, math, English or Chinese? M: I like English best. Q: Does the boy like math or English? W: What do you plan to watch tonight? M: I don’t like watching TV. I think it’s boring. I like reading books. Q: What does he think of watching TV? III.根据所听内容和所提问问题选择合适的图片。 W: Where is your home, Danny? M: My home is close to the movie theater. W: How do you like the program Animal World? M: It’s interesting. W: What’s your favorite sport? M: I like skateboarding. W: How do you usually go to school? M: I usually go to school by bike. W: Would you like to go swimming in the sea? M: Sure. Let’s go to the beach. IV. 听第一段对话,回答16-17小题 W:What’s your trouble, young man? M: I’ve got a headache and bad cough. I feel terrible. W: How long have you been like this? M: Ever since last Friday. W: Have you taken your temperature? M: Yes, it’s a little higher. W: Oh, I see. Just a little cold. Don’t worry. You’d better stay in bed. Take this medicine and you’ll be all right soon. 听第二段对话,回答第18-20 小题 M: Hi, Amy. How was your weekend? W: It was good. I went to the cinema on Saturday. M: What did you see? W: Mr Bean’s Holiday. M: Cool. What did you do on Sunday? W: Nothing much. I stayed at home and did my homework. What about you? M: On Saturday I went to the park with my friends and on Sunday I played computer Games at home. V.听短文,选择正确的答案。 Li Lei is a Chinese boy. He’s fourteen years old. He can’t stand soap operas because he thinks they are boring. He loves sitcoms. He thinks they’re interesting.They make him happy. He often reads Sitcom World on Weekends.He doesn’t like talk shows. 八年英语期中质量检测试题答案 听力部分 1--5 BCACA 6--10 BBACA 11--15 BECFD 16-20 CBAAC 21--25 BACBC 二、笔试部分 26--30 army; care; with; talented; rich -35 successful; closest; planned; truly; to lose --40 DDACB 41--45 BCADC 46--50 CABCB 情景交际 51-55 BFAED 阅读理解 56-60 ADBCB 61-65 ABCCB 66-70 DADAD 71-75 ACCDC 76-80 BDBCC 81-85 TFFTF 86-90 DDCAB 91. Yes, it is. 92. In the middle of the 1970s. 93. Love, jobs or even games. 94. Few rules. 95. Because singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. 书面表达 A.96.special/interesting/...; 97. found; 98. s ... ...

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