
Unit 1 My birthday 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:4238856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。Name:_____ Birthday:_____ Dream:_____ ?Write your own information card and get to know each other!我们八点半开始上课。 Our class begins at half past eight. 我们给你带来了一些礼物。 We bring some gifts for you. beginbringbring VS takeThe dog brings some wood to the man.The dog takes some wood away from the man橙色是我最喜欢的颜色。 Orange is my favourite color.这是彼得的请柬。 Here is Peter's invitation. favouriteinvitation你能来我的生日派对吗? Can you come to my birthday party? partypresent汤米的生日礼物是什么? What is Tommy' s birthday present?smart汤米在他的床上看到一个漂亮的新帽子。 Tommy sees a smart new hat on his bed. 汤姆是一个聪明的男孩。 Tom is a smart boy. put on VS wear这个可爱的小男孩正在自己穿裤子。 The lovely boy is putting on his pants by himself. 这个熊穿着一件橙色的大衣。 The bear is wearing an orange coat. 认识新朋友-Wh疑问词WhereWhatWhoWhoseWhichWhenWhyHowHow muchHow manyHow oldHow farShe is their teacher. Who is their teacher? It’s nine o’clock now. When is it now? My grandmother is sixty years old. How old is your grandmother? My book is over there. Whose book is over there? He lives in Beijing. Where does he live? I can see nine smiles in the picture. How many smiles can you see in the picture? 基数词Learn the numbers and find out the rules!1-12: (记住每个单词) 13-19: -teen(thir-, fif-, eigh-) 20-90: -ty(twen-,thir-,for-,fif-,eigh-) 21-99: 十位+个位 序数词“基”“序”变,找规律 “一二三”特殊记 one-first two-second three=third 加“-th”从“四”起 four-fourth nineteen-nineteenth 八去“-t”九去“-e” eight-eighth nine-ninth 五和十二“-ve”“-f”替 five-fifth twelve-twelfth 二十到九十“-y”变为“-ie” 再加“-th”要牢记; 若要表示“几十几” “个位” 变了就可以。 January Jan. 一月 February Feb. 二月 March Mar. 三月 April Apr. 四月 May May 五月 June Jun. 六月 July Jul. 七月 August Aug. 八月 September Sep. 九月 October Oct. 十月 November Nov. 十一月 December Dec. 十二月 月份表达月日的表达法:on the first of Januaryon the fourteenth of Februaryon the seventeenth of Marchon the fourth of Julyon the thirty-first of Octoberon the twenty-fifth of Decemberon the +日期的序数词+of+月份 W疑问词 When—什么时候 Where—哪里 Who—谁 Whose —谁的 What—什么 Which—哪一个 Why—为什么 H疑问词 How—多少(数量) How much—多少(价钱) How many—怎样,如何 How often—多大,几岁 How old—多久一次 How far—多远 月日的表达法 英语中月日的表达法是: on the +日期的序数词+of+月份 1. 复习精讲提升部分的内容; 2. 请在规定时间内完成讲义中的课后巩固部分。画一画自己房间布局的草图并提前想好如何描述,下节课向大家展示并用英语进行描述。 ... ...

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