
Unit 2 My way to school 课件 (共16张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:2891418Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。What is your bedroom/calssroom like? 特殊疑问句构成:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 Where do you come from? 特殊疑问词1 指代“人”Who(主/宾)谁Whom(宾)谁Whose(定)谁的2What 什么3Which 哪一个4Where 哪儿5Why 为什么6When 何时What time 几点7howHow do you go to school? By bike.(方式)How deep is the river? 100 meters.(程度)8与How搭配的特殊疑问词How many+(可数n) How much+(不可数n) 指代 “距离时间长度”How long 1:多长 2:多久指代 “年龄”How old 多大岁数你每天几点起床 你怎么上学? 你的学校在哪儿? 你有多少科目?(subject) What time do you get up? PracticeHow do you go to school? Where is your school?How many subjects do you have?What do these signs mean?Turn left !Turn right !Walk on the zebra crossing !祈使句之Do Stand up !Sit down !Come in !Go out !Try this !Speak loudly !动词原形开头举个'栗子'~~~介 词behindSunnyTommyin front ofLilyLucyon the right MaryKittyon the leftnext tobetweenoninunderfall off/down from the tree选出正确的介词under in on behind between beside next to in front of 1. There are some changes _____our living room. 2. The sofa was _____ the shelf. Now it’s under the window. 3. The mirror is now _____ the two pictures. 4. Now the clock is _____ the round table. 5. Mary is my deskmate. She is sitting _____ me. 6. –Where is the cat? I can’t see it. –It’s _____ the door. 7. Let’s put the tea table _____ the sofa. 8. There is a lamp on the small table _____ the bed. in under between on behindnext toin front of beside什么什么用what,年龄要用how old, who who你是谁,where where在哪里,when when问时间,what time几点了,how long问多长,whose谁的,how如何,which是问哪一个,how many ,how much问多少,how often问频率,1. 复习精讲提升部分的内容; 2. 请在规定时间内完成讲义中的课后巩固部分。请同学们对自己的日常生活进行梳理:(用英文),可以从喜欢做的事情写起; 1.每天需要做的事情: 2.每周需要做的事情: 3.每个月会做的事情: 4.每年会做的事情:

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