
Unit 4 School things 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:26次 大小:10866Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 School things 教案 教案背景 1.面向学生: 小学三年级学生 2.学科:英语 2.课时:4 3.学生课前准备: 掌握句型:How many…? What colour…? Is it big or small? How much…? Do you like…? What do you like? Where…? What is the … wearing? Have you got…? What time is it? 掌握简单的动词,颜色,数量,价钱,喜好,方位,衣服等词。 之前学习的文具单词,如: pencil, ruler, schoolbag, pencil case, eraser, book 本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生,听、说、读以及口语表达能力以达到一定水平。 学生对英语学习具有很浓厚的兴趣,学习的积极性和主动性也很高,表演的欲望也很强,能踊跃地参与课堂的每个教学活动。 教学课题 ①学习新文具单词:glue, sharpener, crayon, colour pencils, marker, bookmark. ②拓展学习:词汇拓展(blunt, sharp, stick, a bottle of, useful, strong, large, pretty, Fashion Show, grey)句型拓展 (Can you borrow me a sharpener? Because…Thank you for your coming.) ③借助课件,激发学生自主阅读的兴趣,从而培养其自主学习的意识与能力。 ④通过两两对话、小组活动等形式,培养和提高学生口语交际能力和运用英语进行思维的能力。 教材分析 这是一节根据课文内容拓展学习的教授单词的新课。拓展自《Join in Book 1 Unit 4 School things》,本单元课标要求只是掌握文具单字:pencil, ruler, schoolbag, pencil case, eraser, book.句型:How many…?但这些知识学生在一年级已经掌握,为了让学生多学点,根据本单元内容进行改编拓展,设计了这节以新文具单词教学为拓展点的新授课。 教学方法 本课综合运用自主学习、协作学习等各种策略,充分发挥信息技术在情景创设、资源提供的优势,让学生在丰富的学习资源和网络环境的支持下,通过学习儿歌、竞赛游戏、拓展对话、角色扮演,使学生在真实的情景中与教师、伙伴充分对话、交流,活跃思维、拓展视野,提高语言综合运用能力。 五、 教学过程 (一)复习部分: 复习旧的文具单词。 T: Children, time for class. But somebody gets ready well. But somebody doesn’t. So let’s sing a chant and get ready for the class. OK? S: Sing a chat. “It’s time for class” 设计意图:教师利用歌曲,边唱边做课前准备,学生复习了单词的同时,注意力也提高了,为后面的新课作好准备。 (二) 铺垫部分: 1、引出课题: T:(Show and say) Book, pencil, school bag, they’re _____. S: School things. T: Yes, they are school things. (贴出板书) Have you got school things? S: Yes, I have. 2、Free talk: T: What is your favourite school thing? Let’s describe it. For example: I am Seabird. I am 26 years old. I am from Foshan. This is my favourite school thing. It’s a book. It’s a big red book. Red is my favourite colour. It’s 7 yuan. It’s cheap. But I like it. Do you like my book? Now, can you show and describe it to your partner? S: In pairs, show and describe their school things. T: Check. 设计意图:从前面的复习单词引入,到现在的复习相关句型,教师教学设计层层深入,为后面的新课作好准备。 (三)新课部分: 1、自主听读: T:I know your favourite school thing. Guess what’s my favourite school thing? S:学生全班试猜。 T:No, no, no. Now put on your earphones and listen to Listen A, then you will know it. S: 自由选择以下内容听读。 Dialogue A: How many crayons can you see? I can see five crayons. Where is my sharpener? It’s on ... ...

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