
Lesson 3 Making Breakfast 课件 (共26张PPT 无音视频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:83次 大小:28001668Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。冀教版 六年级上册breadmilkjuiceeggsbreadmilkjuiceeggseggs, bread and juicemilk and breadMy fridge Made by Yang PengxiaoThis is a fridge.There are some sausages, water, chocolate and some red wine in the fridge. The vegetables are in the fridge.There are some potatoes in the fridge.The butter and chocolate is in the fridge.There are some popsicles in the fridge.The end.Let’s read. Exercise 1: Act the dialogues on P6. Exercise 2: Make a new dialogue. You make breakfast for your parents or grandparents today. steamed stuffed bun porridgesoybean milk fried bread stick cereal and milktoast and jambacon, egg, sausage, tomato and fried bread√√√XXmore_____ much _____ _____ vegetables uncooked vegetables ____ water _____ water _____ _____ and ____ vegetablesmeatcookedhoticechopsticksknivesforksA Bite of China 1. Listen to the text on P6. 2. Make a breakfast for your family. (video, PPT or poster)

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