
七年级英语上册短文填空专练(Unit 1~Unit 9)(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:15次 大小:49664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第一单元短文填空 1.人物介绍———Cindy This is a 1. _____ of① Cindy. Her 2. _____ name is Brown. She is 15 3. _____ old. She is from the USA. She comes to Beijing with her parents. We 4. _____ in No.1 Middle School. She is my good 5. _____ now. What’s Cindy’s Chinese name? Her 6. _____ name is Xin Meili②. She likes this name. In the school,we call her Meili not Cindy. We tell her that in 7. _____, family name comes first. Xin is her 8._____ name and Meili is her 9. _____ name.Cindy can’t understand(理解)this and she always gets confused(混淆的). Cindy’s favorite color is 10. _____. She says it’s the color of the sky. But in Beijing,the sky is grey. She likes Beijing but she doesn’t like the air here. 2. I am Alice Green. You can call me Alice. That’s my first name. You can also call me Miss Green. That’s my last name. Look! This is a① photo of my two good 1. _____. The boy 2. _____ blue is Ken. He doesn’t come from China. He is 3. _____ English boy. He has two big eyes and he is very cute(可爱的). He is new in my school. His telephone 4. _____ is 3594576. Look at that girl. She is Beth Smith. Beth is her 5. _____ name. She likes 6. _____ and she often watches NBA 7. _____ TV. She wants to be a basketball player. She doesn’t have a 8. _____ at home so I can’t call her at night. Usually,we talk at school. I like 9. _____ friends. Do you want to make friends with② 10. _____? 第二单元短文填空 善待父母 When people meet their good friends, they often like to 1. _____ about their family. My friend,Jane,talks about① 2. _____ father. Her father is ill 3. _____ hospital. 4. _____ can’t sleep at night and often talks to himself. She is 5. _____ with this and shouts at② her father to make him stop talking. Two days later,her father can neither eat nor speak. My 6. _____ thinks it’s her fault(错误). She is so sad and cries like 7. _____ baby on the phone③. She says that she will do anything if her 8. _____ can be healthy. Some kids often feel unhappy when they have to take care of④ their 9. _____. But do you know how much our parents love us? You can’t do that anymore. Dear friends, don’t say a bad word to your parents. Try to stay with them 10. _____ be kind to them. These are very important in a family. Your parents will be happy if you do that. 把眼泪变成巧克力 Here are two photos of a little girl, Annie. In the first photo, we know she likes eating chocolate. Her parents are worried about it,so they take all her 1. _____ away①. Annie goes out to look for② some chocolate. Then she sees a big 2. _____ with a lot of chocolate. There is a card in the box. Annie 3. _____ the card. It says “Turn tears(眼泪)into chocolate. ” Annie is very happy. She wants to find someone crying. She meets a little 4. _____ crying hard on the road. Then Annie gets 5. _____ tears from the dog and the tears turn into chocolate. While Annie is getting the tears,she comforts (安慰)the dog. Finally,the dog smiles and 6. _____ have fun together. In ... ...

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