
Unit6 Dreams 教案(共4课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:75次 大小:19153Byte 来源:二一课件通
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? 小学教学设计 科 目 English 年级 五? 课型 句型课? 主备人 单位 授课教师 ? 单位 ? 课题 ?Unit 6 Dreams ( Part1) 课时 1? 评论或修改 教 学 目 标 ?Learn how to use the new sentence patterns: I often / sometimes / never dream… Ask and answer. Get fun from English studying. ? 重点 难点 重点: Pupils can use the sentence patterns describe their dreams. 难点:Pupils can write sentences about their dreams. ? 教具学具 Powerpoint, Teaching cards, recorder ? 教学程序 师生活动 评论或修改 一、示标 ?Step1 Warming up. 1. The teachers greets with pupils: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. What day is it today? How are you feeling today? 2. T: When I’m sleeping, I always have some dreams. (body language help) How about you? Students:…(free talk) Today we’ll learn Unit 6 Dreams. Open your books turn to page 44. Teach the pronunciation of dream and spell it. Students read these sentences and understand their means by the pictures ? 二、探究 Step2 Listen and number the pictures. T: Play the tape S: Listen the content of tape and number The turn of pictures Step3 Presentation. 1. T: (shows a card) Yesterday I dreamed about monkeys. Stress: about→ dream about →I dream about monkeys. (write down) Then change two cards (friends, spacemen…) 2. T: How about you? Students talk about it. 三、展示 3. Teacher shows three little circle cards: often, sometimes, never. Teach the pronunciation of them and choose three students stick them on the blackboard. Step4 Practice. Books open. Part 1. 1. Free talk about dreams in their groups. Using three sentence patterns. 2. Write down the sentences they want to say. Step5 Development language Ask Students to make up their own dialogues. Then ask them to come to the front and act their dialogues. 四、延伸 ?Step 5 Homework. 1. Write eight sentences on their exercise books. Each sentence pattern for two times and translate. 板 书 设 计 ?Unit 6 Dreams often about… I sometimes dream about… never … 学情反馈 优?秀 良?好 达?标 待?? 达?标 ? ? ? ? 教学 反思 ? 科 目 English? 年级 ?五 课型 句型课 主备人 单位 授课教师 ? 单位 ? 课题 ?Unit6 Dreams(part2) 课时 2? 评论或修改 教 学 目 标 ?Learn how to use the new sentence patterns: ①I always / often / sometimes / never dream… ②…about my friends / snakes / spiders / ghosts… Ask and answer. Get fun from English studying. ? 重点 难点 重点: Pupils can use the sentence patterns describe their dreams. 难点:Pupils can write sentences about their dreams ? 教具学具 ?Powerpoint, Teaching cards, recorder ? 教学程序 师生活动 评论或修改 一、示标 ?Step1 Review the three sentence patterns I often dream about… I sometimes dreams about… I never dream… Step2 Read the text. T: Please open your books turn to page 45, read the text, then answer the questions With Yes or No ? 二、探究 Students read and understand the content of text, then answer the questions 师生共同核对答案。老师选择做对的同学说出理由。 Step3 Listen and repeat T: Play the tape S: Read the text T: Show the picure of 2a S: Describe th ... ...

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