
Unit 1 Ann had a dream 教案(共6课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:80次 大小:9006Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Ann had a dream 教案 The 1st period Teaching Aims: 1. The students can describe the picture. 2. The students like to learn English. 3. The students can be writing and reading. Teaching Emphasis: 1. How can use “had, was, were” in dialogue. Answer it.? Teaching Difficulty: 1. How to use past tense. 2. Emphasis new words. Teaching process: Step 1: T: Introduce myself and let student introduce themselves (name, age, hobby and so on). S: Introduce themselves about name, age etc. Step 2: To review what has been learned last semester. Step 3: Set the scene T: Let the children talk about what they did during the summer vacation. Ask some questions: Where you went? Who you saw? What you did?? Let them share their experience with each other. S: Try to answer the questions. T: Ask the children the question, “Where were you?” S: Try to answer the question. Step 4: Get prepared T: Ask children if they had any dream at night these days. Let them talk about their dreams. S: Try to talk about their dreams. T: Let them read about Ann’s dream. S: Read Ann’s dream. T: To describe what illustrated in each picture and the main plot is. S: Listen and think. T: Play the tape for the story. S: Listen to the tape.? Step 5: Tell the story? T: Have the children look at the pictures .The teacher tells the story to the children. S: Listen and look at the picture. T: Have the children read the text by themselves. S: Read the text.? T: Listen to the tape. Play the tape again. Ask some questions. Who had a dream? Who were in her dream? Where were they? Where were they now? Was it cold on Mars? Were there Martians on Mars? How do you think Ken and Ann fell? Were the Martians friendly? S: Try to answer the questions. Homework: Have the children create their own image of Martians. Blackboard writing: Ann had a dream last night. She and Ken were in her dream. They were in the space. They were on Mars. It was very cold on Mars. There were Martians on Mars. Ken and Ann were afraid. Yes, the Martians were friendly. The 2nd period Teaching Aims: 1. The students can describe the picture. 2. The students like to learn English. 3. The students can be writing and reading. Teaching Emphasis: 1. How can use “had, was, were” in dialogue. Answer it.? Teaching Difficulty: 1. How to use past tense. 2. Emphasis new words. Teaching process: Step 1: Review :( plays a game) T: Take a card and hide it. I had a dream last night. In my dream I was… S: Guess it. Step 2: Learn the new words T: Have the children open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the top half of the page. Point to the picture and ask: “What can you see in the picture?”? S: Open the book and answer the question. T: Model the word and have the children repeat. Use the same procedure with the other words in the picture. S: Read the words after the teacher. T: Let student read the words again. S: read the words. T: Let students listen to the tape and point the new words S: Listen and point. Repeat after the tape. Step 3: Listen and number T: Have the children look at the pict ... ...

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