
Unit 6 Happy birthday PA 复习课件(35张PPT)无音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:11158354Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件35张PPT。Unit 6 Happy birthday !Part A回顾上单元的内容Sing the songHappy birthday!了解cake的种类fruit cake cartoon cake chocolate cake tea cake birthday cakeTell me your favourite cake.Lead-incat, a catcake, a cakepencil box, a pencil boxpencil, four pencilsLet’s talkThis is one, please.Sure. How many plates?Five.OK. Here you are.盘子Play gamesHow many fingers?How many fingers?One.How many fingers?Three.How many fingers?Five.Language points1、This one, please. 请给我这个。 这个句子常用于口语中,用于请求别人把不远处的某个物品拿给自己。常用于选购物品或点餐的时候。one用来指代上文出现过的或双方都知道的某个物品。该句的答语常用Sure./ OK.(好的)/ Here you are.(给你)。 【例句】—This one, please. 请给我这个。 —Sure.好的。如果想要的物品距离自己比较远,可以说“That one, please.”意思是 “请给我那个。”2、Sure. 好的。 “Sure.”常用来回答表示请求的问句,表示肯定的答复。相当于“Of course.”或“Certainly.”。 【例句】—Can I have some bread?我能吃些面包吗? —Sure.当然可以。3、How many plates?(你要)几个盘子? (1)“How many+可数名词复数?”意思为“多少……?”用来询问人或物品的数量。常直接用“数字”或“数字+名词复数”来回答。 【例句】—How many pencils?多少支铅笔? —Five.五支。【例句】How much milk do you want? 你想要多少牛奶?如果想知道不可数名词的量,应该用“How much+不可数名词?”来提问。选择正确的答案。A: How many A ? B: Five.A. plates B. plate C. blates (2)plates是plate的复数形式,在表示两个或两个以上可以计数的事物时,常在词尾加上-s,这是名词的复数形式。例如:Count and sayHow many ducks?Five.How many books?One.Three.How many cakes?How many crayons?Five.How many pencils?Four.How many bears?Two.How many monkeys?Three.How many pencil boxes?One.How many candles?Six.Let’s learnWho can read?1,2,3,4,5.threefourfivetwoonePlay games同伴之间举左、右手指进行练习:Show me one. Show me one and two. Show me three. Show me two and three. Show me three and four. Show me four and five.Let’s chantLanguage points1、One, two, three!一,二,三! 英语中的数词主要分为基数词和序数词两类,用来表示数目或数量的词被称为基数词。下面让我们共同学习一下基数词吧! (1)1到10:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten。(2)11到19: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。 这里除eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen都是在其个位数形式后加-teen构成。(3)在20到90的整十数中,除twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty为特殊形式外,sixty, seventy, ninety都是在其个位数形式后加-ty构成。表示几十几时,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符“-”。 例如:twenty-one 21 seventy-six 76(4)基数词加“hundred”表示几百,表示“几百几十几”时, 在百位数与十位数之间加上and。例如: three hundred and twenty 320 six hundred and forty-eight 648Letters and soundsListen, repeat and chant.umbrellaundervetvestwetwaterfoxboxyellowyo-yozooZip Listen and circle.f vw yx vz cw mWrite and say大U陷阱在上方, 小u将n倒着放。大V竖起双手指, 小v长个尖下巴。大W是M朝天躺, 小w将v些成双。大Y弹弓妹皮筋, 小y比v多尾巴 ... ...

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