
Unit 6 Happy birthday PA 复习课件(43张PPT)无音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:2601078Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件43张PPT。Unit 6 Happy birthday!Part AoneNew wordstwothreefourfiveLet's talkThis one, please.Sure. How many plates?OK. Here you are. Five.How many … ? 这是对多少的提问,意为:……有多少? 回答: 数字Let's practiceHow many candles?One.one1How many plates?Two.two2How many forks?Three.three3How many cakes?Four.four4How many spoons?Five.five5Count and sayHow many flowers?One.How many books?Two.How many cats?Three.How many pencils?Four.How many keys?Five.How many … ?Let's practiceLet's learn15342Let's chantJump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three! Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, two, one! Four and five! Four and five! Jump up high! Jump up high! Five! Four! Three, two, one! Jump! Jump! It’s so fun! U Letters and soundsU is for umbrella. umbrella“U” V V is for veat. vest“V” W W is for water.water“W” X X is for fox. fox“X” Y Y is for yellow.yellow“Y” Z Z is for zoo.zoo“Z”Thank you!

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