
2019届浙江省中考英语(外研)总复习 课件+练习:七年级下(27+19张PPT,4份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:759619Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件27张PPT。第 3 课时  Modules 1-6(七下)PART ONE第一篇 教材梳理篇carefullystrangeruntidylatercertainlyheavilyfitnesswinnerwonworriedswamswumteachertaughttaughthopefulcollectionshoppingfoundleftplayerroserisenpaintingselldisadvantagesafesafelywindylivesminemyselfhersherselffrom now onin a hurrybe careful withbe able toready to do sth.go outworry aboutget on/along well with…look forward tomake friendsgo sightseeingcome truetry onwait a minuteenjoy oneselfgo overtake a walktraffic jamfirst of alljust likehundreds ofnot…any morenot only…but also…as wellFirst of alllost and foundThat's whythat's allwork very harddo welllooking forward toenjoy myselfI'm surewillbe likewon'tany more? promise v.承诺;保证 【题1】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 (1)I can't tell you what she said. I've promised      (keep) it a secret.? (2)I can tell you the truth, but you should promise    (not tell) others.? 【题2】 根据汉语提示完成句子 He usually keeps his     (承诺) and does what he says.? 【归纳拓展】to keep not to tellpromise? enjoy v.享受;喜欢;欣赏 【题3】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 (1)Many Chinese people enjoy      (watch) the film Operation Red Sea, because it's very exciting.? (2)We enjoyed      (us) during our trip in Xiamen.? 【题4】 同义句转换 They had a good time during the summer holiday. →They          during the summer holiday.? 【归纳拓展】watchingourselvesenjoyed themselves? hundred num.百 【题5】 根据汉语提示完成句子 —I hear you've got a “library” at home. —Yes. I've already had        (上百本) books.?hundreds of 【归纳拓展】 (1)hundred前若有具体数字(two, three…),则不加-s,之后也不跟of。hundred也可与of构成短语hundreds of,意为“成百的,上百的”,后跟可数名词复数。此用法可简单记为“前有后无,前无后有”。 如:two hundred words两百个单词, hundreds of people上百人。 (2)和hundred用法相同的词还有thousand(千), million(百万), billion(十亿)等。? leave/forget 【题6】 用leave或forget的正确形式填空 —I'm sorry, Mr. Hu. I     my English exercise book at home.? —It doesn't matter. But don't     to bring it here this afternoon.? 【题7】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)爱丽丝下周五动身去伦敦。 Alice is         London next Friday.? (2)不要把我单独留在家里。我会害怕的。 Don't           at home. I will be afraid.?leftforgetleaving forleave me alone ? else/other 【题8】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)你还能看到什么?          can you see?? (2)你还能看到其他什么东西吗?          things can you see?? (3)你还喜欢什么,杰克?          do you like, Jack??What elseWhat otherWhat else ? also/too/as well/either 【题9】 用also, too, as well或either填空 (1)I have finished my homework,     .? (2)He     likes swimming in summer.? (3)My father didn't go to the park, and I didn't go,     .? (4)The little boy can play basketball and football      .?tooalsoeitheras well ? across/through/over/past 【题10】 用across, through, over或past填空 (1)The River Danube runs      some European countries.? (2)Two ... ...

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