
Starter unit I'm going higher 表格式教案( 共5课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:42次 大小:35024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(五)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案 备课时间 2018.8.26 主 备 人 主 备 人 所在单位 复备时间 2018.8.26 授课教师 授课教师 所在单位 课???题 Starter Unit Part1 a/b 课 ??型 Revision 课时分配 共5课时 第1课时 上课时间 2018.9.3 项?目 内 ??容 修改栏 教 ? 学 ? 目 ? 标 知??识 能??力 1. Learn to say the following: My English name is Linda. Here are some of my holiday photos. She is reading / doing homework / playing the piano / cleaning her room / listening to English / playing computer games / swimming / taking photos. 2. Listen and find the right photos. 还可以扩展六年级开始单元中新学期的计划里面的一些新动词短语词汇。 过??程 方??法 通过听说、问答等活动形式,让学生回顾并熟用结构:be+V.ing 情??感 态??度 价值观 1.继续保持浓厚的学习兴趣。2.积累听力技巧,学会找到关键点。 教学重点 Be+V.ing 其规则 教学难点 swimming? taking 双写,去e 教学、教具 (课件)准备 Phrases cards, tape-recorder 学案准备 教?学?流?程 ? 教 学 环 节 教?师?活?动 预?设?学?生?活?动 修改栏 Step I . Warming up 1) Greetings 2) Talk about their summer holiday: Did you have s nice holiday? What did you do? ? Step II. Presentation 1)?CAI show some of my holiday photos?and say: Here are some of my holiday photos. Look! What am I doing? Then revise the actions: read / do homework / play the piano / swim and show new action phrases: clean the room / play computer games / listen to English / take photos Read more with the pupils. 2)?CAI show Linda’s happy holiday photos, ask the pupils to listen: In Photo 1 I’m doing homework. In Photo 2 I’m cleaning my room. In Photo 3 I’m playing computer games. In Photo 4 I’m reading. In Photo 5 I’m listening to English. In Photo 6 I’m swimming. In Photo 7 I’m taking photos. In Photo 8 I’m playing the piano. Then ask and answer with the pupils like this: What is Linda doing? She is …ing … 3)?Listen again, ask the pupils to number the photos. Step III. Practice 1) Ask the pupils to take out their holiday photos, say about their happy holidays. 2) Show the photos, ask the pupils to say quickly. 3) Ask the pupils to write more sentences. Step?IV. Consolidation Show more Ex. 写短语:???????????????????????? ?听英语??????2.?清扫房间??????????????? 3.?做作业???????4.?弹钢琴????????????? 5.玩电脑游戏6.?拍照片 7.读 8.游泳 选词填空 1.Here ____ some ____ my photos. A.is/of??? B.are/of?????????????????????????????2. ____ English name is John.???????? A.I? B.She? C.His???????????????????????????3. She is_____.????????????????????????????????????????????? A swim? B. swiming? C. swimming???????? 4. He _____ photos.?? A. taking????B. is takeing C. is taking D.are taking 5.Listen_____English.?????????????????????A. in B. to C.at????????????????????????????? 连词成句: name, is, Tom, His, English.?????????????????? listening, He, to, is, English.????????????????? playing, games, Lucy, computer, is.???? my, I, room, am ,cleaning.???????????? ??????????? homework, She, is,doing.?????????????????????? 6. dad, is, photos, My, taking. Step V. Sum-up Homework 1) Listen and read af ... ...

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