
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. SectionA (共3 课时,共44张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:95次 大小:3144875Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Section A Period 1 (1a-2c)Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Do you have any rules at home? Do you have any rules at school? Do your parents allow you to do the following things?Free talkteenagersDo your parents allow you to exercise? Yes, they do. PresentationYou are allowed to exercise. allow sb. to do sth. be allowed to do sth.Do you agree that teenagers should be allowed to…? I agree, because…/ I don’t think they should be… driver’s licenseget ears piercedsmokewear earringsdrinksafetychoose own clotheshave a part-time jobcheat in the examkeep long hairDo you agree that teenagers should be allowed to…? I agree, because…/ I don’t think they should be… Talk about the rules you have at home and at school.A: I have so many rules at home/at school? B: Oh, me too. A: I am not allowed to …. B: My parents think teenagers should not be allowed to… A: I don’t agree with them… I think. … B: I think six-year-old teenagers should … …… Pair work driver’s licensesmokedrinkget ears pierced wear earringschoose own clotheshave a part-time jobsafetyWhat’s the relationship of the two speakers?What are they talking about?1a Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.1.Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. A D 2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D 3.Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. A D 4.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D 5.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. A D 1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F 2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F 3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T FListeningWhy does Anna want to go with John ? Why does her mom disagree?What does Anna want to watch?Why does Mom want to go with Anna?Answer the questionsBecause John just got his driver’s license. To watch Gaby get her ears pierced She wants to make sure Anna gets a nice skirt.Listening Because she is worried about her safety..1c Look at the statements in la and make conversations and give more reasonsA: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. They aren’t serious enough….Practice 2a Lead-in:talk about the pictureWhere are they? What they talking about?What is the boy in white doing?What does the boy look like?What does Molly think of Kathy’s statements ? Listen and Circle A for Agree, D for Disagree or DK for Doesn’t Know. 2a Kathy Molly A D DK1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night2.Larry shouldn’t work every night.4.He should stop wearing that silly earring. 3.He should cut his hair.5. He doesn’t seem to have many friends.A D DKA D DKA D DKA D DKListen again. What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order. K for Kathy, M for Molly.____ It looks cool. ____ Young people need to sleep. ____ He needs to spend time with friends. ____ He needs time to do homew ... ...

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