
Unit 6 My classroom 教案(共4课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:78次 大小:26468Byte 来源:二一课件通
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X县X小学盟区教学设计备课表 科 目 英语 年级 三 课型 歌曲 主备人 ? 单位 授课教师 单位 课 题 Unit 6 My classroom Part 1 课时 第1 课时? 评论或修改 教 学 目 标 知识与能力: 1. Ss learn the words : board , floor , door , window , desk , chair 2. Ss can use the sentences to describe things in the classroom: The … is/are … 3. Ss can colour and sing the song “ Our happy classroom “ 过程方法: 听一听,唱一唱,读一读,说一说。 情感态度价值观: 通过唱歌,激发学生的学习兴趣。 ? 重点 难点 1. Ss learn the words : board , floor , door , window , desk , chair 2. Ss can use the sentences to describe things in the classroom: The … is/are … ? 教具学具 A Tape recorder ? 教学程序 师?生?活?动 评论或修改 一、示标 Warming-up Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls! Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you today? S:Good morning. Nice to meet you,too. I'm fine/OK. Memory game Screen show a chart ,Ss try to remember the school things in the chart in 10seconds. S guess and T check the answers. ? 学歌曲导入,激发学生学习兴趣 Ss listen to the song. Ss sing the song once more. Train speaking 二、探究 二、Presentation 1.T:We have learned many school things . We always see them in our happy classroom. Let's listen to the song- our happy classroom.OK? S:OK. S listen T:Are the children happy? S:Yes. T:Where are they? S:They are in the classroom. T teach “classroom” 2.T:Look!This is my classroom.(T point to the black board.) What's in the classroom? S listen S come to the front and put the things in the classroom. S say the chant 3.T:Look at my happy classroom. The ... is ... .The ... are ... . Look at Toby's happy classroom. Let's guess the colour in the classroom. S:The ... is / are ... . S listen and colour on page 42 S come to the front and show the picture and describe the classroom,other students check the answer. T:Now let's listen again and the number the sentences. S listen and colour Check the answer Order the sentences ,read and sing S sing and do twice . 三、展示 Practice S describe the pictures and try to sing. S make a new song and show out. 四、延伸 板 书 设 计 Unit 6 My classroom board floor door The window is ..... desk chair 学情反馈 优?秀 良?好 达?标 待???达?标 ? ?∨ ? ? 教学 反思 ?应该让学生分组进行自由对话练习,多提高英语口语水平。 X县小X小学盟区教学设计备课表 科 目 英语 年级 三 课型 新授课 主备人 ? 单位 授课教师 单位 课 题 Unit6 Part2.3? 课时 第2 课时? 评论或修改 教 学 目 标 知识与能力: 1.复习巩固classroom words:window、door、desk、chair、floor、board 2.理解名词单复数的用法并熟练运用。 3.熟用句子What’s in the classroom?How many?What colour?问答。 过程方法: 通过听说问答、chant、游戏、训练学生的听说能力和理解能力。 情感态度价值观: 1.保持良好的学习习惯和持续的学习热情。 2.保持教室整洁,设施完好 ? 重点 难点 1. classroom words:window、door、desk、chair、floor、board Sentences:What’s in the classroom?How many?What colour?及答语。 2. 在真实语境中熟练运用语言 ? 教具学具 Word cards A tape recorder CAI ? 教学程序 师?生?活?动 评论或修改 一、示标 Step I. ... ...

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