
2019届高考广东英语听说考试训练课件8-Interpersonal Relationships课件(17张+11份音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:4083197Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 8 Interpersonal Relationships Listening & Speaking Discussion: Do you think communication is very important in our life? How do you understand “mutual understanding”? 相互理解 Communi`cation between `people↘︱is︿of︿`utmost︿im`portance. ↘ `Mutual︿under`standing↘︱can be `well︿es`tablished↘︱between `people↘∣ if we com`municate with︿`each︿other. ↘ `People living︿in the `same `zone↘∣can be `organized∣to have some︿ac`tivities to`gether. ↘ `Arguments between `people↘︱ are︿a `way︿of communi`cation↘∣, by which we can `find︿a so`lution↘∣ to the `conflicts↘︱bet`ween︿us. ↘ Through communi`cation,↘∣`mutual︿under`standing↘︱can be pro`moted↘︱bet`ween `people↗︱with `different races.↘ 角色扮演 Translate the questions. Could you tell me your phone number? Don’t you think you should take a vacation? Is there anything I can help? 你不觉得你应该去休个假吗? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? 有什么我可以帮忙的吗? Who will meet his parents at the railway station together with the man? 角色扮演 Helen. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Is Mandy a student of Class Three? 角色扮演 No, she isn‘t. Listen to the tape and answer the question. What did Jimmy get as presents on his birthday? 角色扮演 A watch and a computer. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Are the Browns at home or away from home? 角色扮演 Away from home. Listen to the tape and answer the question. What will the woman do if she can’t have dinner with the man next Saturday? 角色扮演 She will give the man a call on Friday evening. Listen to the tape and answer the question. 故事复述 Do you feel it a treasure to have dinners with parents? How do you think the relationship between you and your parents? 故事复述 Since everyone 1. is busy with their work or studies, we seldom had a chance 2. to get together with our family. But we thought it possible 3. to enjoy meals together. So at first we 4. tried setting three 5. fixed dates every week. However, it did not 6. work. Then everyone told me their most convenient days and I 7. would choose the two best days. Gradually we 8. enjoyed having meals together, making plans for trips and 9. discussing each other’s problems. And now we have been able to 10. build much stronger relationships within the whole family than ever before. 故事复述 梗概提示: 我们一家人决定定时聚餐,在经过一些波折后终于顺利实现。 Goodbye!

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