

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:3959420Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 14 Weather Listening & Speaking Do you think the earth is becoming warmer and warmer? What would happen if the earth grew warmer? No one,↘∣re`gardless︿of `race, ↗︱ re`ligion, ↗︱or natio`nality, ↘∣can de`ny↘∣ that the `world we live︿in↘∣is be`coming in`creasingly in`tolerable↘∣ because︿of the e`ffects︿of `global `warming. ↘ The `lack︿of `knowledge↘∣about the im`portance︿of pro`tecting︿the en`vironment↘∣`hinders the `solving︿of the `problem. ↘ It︿is︿`urgent↘∣that︿im`mediate︿and︿ef`fective︿`actions↘ ∣should be `taken `right︿a`way. ↘ `Stricter laws↘∣con`cerning `global `warming↘︱and︿irres`ponsible use︿of fuel re`sources↘∣ `have to be `put︿into ef`fect↘∣and to a`chieve good re`sults. ↘ `Every `spring↘ ∣`overwhelming `sands︿ and `dust↘∣ `sweep the `northern part︿of `China, ↘∣`blocking︿out the `sky,↘∣ en`shrouding `cities︿and `villages, ↘∣ which `brings `much incon`venience︿and `problems↘∣ to `people’s lives︿and work. ↘ 今天会下雨吗? 你家乡的天气怎么样? 角色扮演 Translate the questions. Is it going to rain today? Is the weather here similar to that in New York? What is the weather like in your hometown? 这里的天气和纽约相似吗? What’s the difference between the temperature in the daytime and that in the evening ? 角色扮演 The temperature will be 8℃ lower in the evening than that in the daytime. Listen to the tape and answer the question. What is the weather like now? 角色扮演 It is raining heavily. Listen to the tape and answer the question. What is the weather like this weekend? 角色扮演 It may be sunny. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Why does the woman like snowy weather? 角色扮演 Because it is very romantic. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Why is the weather not good for cycling tomorrow? 角色扮演 Because it may rain. Listen to the tape and answer the question. 故事复述 What would you do if you spent a cold night in the courtyard with only a shirt on? 故事复述 One cold night the king asked David to spend the night outside with 1. only his shirt on and he would give David 2. one hundred gold coins. But when the king found David the next morning 3. in high spirits, he broke his promise and said that the moon could have warmed David. A few months later when the king 4. went hunting in hot summer with his men and asked David to serve them some 5. fresh water, David just 6. pointed to the well and refused to give him a drink by saying “If the rays of the moon can 7. warm a person, the sight of water can 8. satisfy his thirst.” 故事复述 梗概提示: 国王与大卫打赌之后却不兑现诺言,大卫以其人之道还治其人之身。 Goodbye!

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