
Unit 5 Our Clothes 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:24次 大小:7191Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Our Clothes同步练习 (??????)?1. A. cap B. nose C. ear (??????)?2. A. clothes B. dress C. shirt (??????)?3. A. socks B. shorts C. dress (??????)?4. A. my B. our C. mine (??????)?5. A. body B. blue C. brown This is Mike’s bedroom. It’s new and nice. Today Mike’s friends, Tom and Lucy are here, too. They are playing video games. Many things are on the bed. It’s messy. The coat is Mike’s. The T-shirt and the socks are Tom’s. There is a red cap. It must be Lucy’s. 1.?Mike’s?bedroom?is?new?and?_____.? 2.?Tom?is?Mike’s?_____.? 3.?The?T-shirt?is?_____.? 4.?They?are?playing?_____.? 5.?Lucy’s?cap?is?_____. (??????)?1.?Are?these?your?shoes???????????? ?A.?It’s?a?T-shirt.?? (??????)?2.?What?are?these????????????????? B.?They?are?keys.?? (??????)?3.?What?is?this??????????????????? ?C.?Yes,?they?are.?? (??????)?4.?Is?this?your?blue?shirt???????????? D.?It’s?Jenny’s.?? (??????)?5.?Whose?sweater?is?this??????????? ?E.?They?are?Ben’s.?? (??????)?6.?Whose?shirts?are?these??????????? F.?No,?it’s?not.? (? ???)?1. -- Are these blue _____ yours? -- Yes, they are. A. dress B. dresss C. dresses (? ???)?2. -- _____ red skirt is this? -- It’s Jenny’s. A. Whose B. Where C. What (? ???)?3. -- Is this _____? -- Yes, it is. A. he B. his C. my (? ???)?4. -- Is this cap _____? -- No, it isn’t. A. yours B. your C. you (? ???)?5. This is _____ shirt. A. Mom B. Mom’s C. Moms Man or woman or a girl? One day, there is a man with long hair in the park. He is sitting on a chair, at this time an old man asks him, “Is it a boy or a girl over there? She has long hair. I think she is a girl. Can you tell me?” “Yes. You are right. She is my daughter. ” “Oh, I know. You must be the girl’s mother. ” “No, I’m her father.” The man is very angry. (??????)?1.?The?man?is?in?a?garden.? (??????)?2.?The?man?with?long?hair?looks?like?a?woman.? (??????)?3.?The?man?with?long?hair?is?the?girl’s?father.? (??????)?4.?There?is?a?boy?in?the?park. 参考答案 1. A  2. A  3. C  4. C 5. A 1. nice   2. friend 3. Tom’s  4. video games   5. red 1. C  2. B  3. A  4. F  5. D  6. E 1. C  2. A  3. B  4. A 5. B 1. F  2. T  3. T  4. F

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