
外研版Module 4 Great Scientists Reading and Writing课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:12次 大小:1063775Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。Reading and WritingActivity 1 on Page 37best seller cosmology diagnose disability motor neurone disease victimCheck the meanings of these words.Who is he?Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingA Brief History of TimeA Brief History of TimeRead the passage about Stephen Hawking and write the number of the paragraph.1. This paragraph explains why Hawking is famous. _____ 2. This paragraph talks about Hawking’s personal life. _____ Para3.Para1.3. This paragraph talks about Hawking’s scientific career._____Para2.Read the passage and answer questions.1. Why is Hawking so famous?Partly because of his scientific discoveries and partly because of his physical disability.3. What’s the name of Hawking’s book?A Brief History of Time.He suffered from motor neurone disease.2. What kind of disease did Hawking suffer from?achievementscareerpersonal lifebe born in… and graduated from…; be diagnosed with…How much do you know about Steven Hawking?spent his career at…, where he became Professor of…in…; in the area of…; write about…; be published; be still the best-seller; the voice of scienceKey sentences in the passage1. 他被诊断患上运动神经元病。 He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. 2. 在Stephen Hawking的病例中,人 们发现他是一个杰出的科学家。 In Stephen Hawkin`s case it was discovered that he was a brilliant scientist. 3.他依靠轮椅活动和特制电脑代言, 成为了科学的代言人。Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science. 4.Stephen Hawking 于1977年成为 剑桥大学的物理系教授,并一直 在该校任教。 Stephen Hawking has spent his career at Cambridge University, where he became Professor of Physics in 1977.4. Read the notes about Albert Einstein.born in Ulm, Germany, 1879 didn’t speak until he was three loved mathematics had the idea of his theory of relativity when he was 16 studied physics in Zurich, Switzerland Got a job in an office to earn his livingpublished the special theory of relativity in 1905 became a university teacher in 1909 published the general theory of relativity in 1915 awarded Nobel Prize for physics in 1921 left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US died in 19555. Write a passage about Albert Einstein using the notes. Begin like this: Albert Einstein was probably the most brilliant scientist of the twentieth century. Born in Ulm, Germany 1879, he didn’t speak... .Listening and VocabularyLook at the picture and describe what is happening.It is a TV quiz in a studio with an audience.Quiz is a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge.1. What is happening in the picture?award discover equal measure radiation theory4. Match the words with the meanings.1. a prize or money given to someone for something they have done _____ 2. exactly the same _____ 3. to find out how long, wide, heavy, etc. something is _____ 4. to find _____awardequalmeasurediscover5. an idea, especially in science, that explains why or how somethin ... ...

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