
译林牛津版 高中英语选修八Unit 2 The universal language Reading教学课件 (共20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:2751098Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。M8U2 The universal languageReading Turandot in BeijingTurandot’s riddle 1在黑暗的晚上, 一个五光十色的幻影在飞翔。 它高高地飞翔, 展开它的翅膀, 飞翔在人群之上。 全世界都向它呼唤, 全世界都向他哀求。 天一亮幻影就消失, 它将复生在每一个心房。 每个晚上它就新生, 每个白天它又死亡! What was born at night , dies at dawn and reborn at night? (not in the sky) hope (dream)Turandot’s riddle 2它燃烧得像一团火, 但它却不是火。 有时它很猛烈, 它是灼热,力量和激情! 滞呆使它力竭。 假如你失去心脏或者死去, 它就冷却。 但征服的梦想又使它是灼烈! 它的声音使你颤抖, 它像落日那样璀璨! What is red as fire , warm as fire but not fire and gets cold when you die? blood Turandot’s riddle 3什么样的冰块使你燃烧, 可是你越是燃烧, 你却变得更加冰冷! 既是雪白又是漆黑! 假如它允许你自由, 你就成为它的奴仆; 假如它接受你当奴仆, 它将给你一个王国! What was born from fire but colder than ice . (And you can get the whole country if you get that?) TurandotHow is a review of an opera usually organized?Reading strategy:Reading a review of an operaIt usually starts with some_____.background informationIt goes on to_____.talk about the storyThen it gives some other important information such as_____.the actors’ namesFinally it gives a_____. It may include lots of words_____ . commentthat describe feelingsthe brief description of the storythe background information of the operaother information about the performanceFast-reading match paragraphs with related informationpara.1-2 para. 3-7 para.8the writer’s commentspara.9 Background informationThe author: The setting: an Italian composer Giacomo Pucciniin the Forbidden City in Beijing(para.1-2) Let’s explore the story of Turandot(para.3-7)Main characters of the story The development of the plot The theme of the story Main characters of the story: Turandot -- a Chinese princess Calaf -- a prince Liu -- Calaf’s father’s slaveThe plot of the story BeginningIn order to_____, Turandot says that whoever can answer _____will marry her, or____. DevelopmentCalaf, another _____, falls _____ with Turandot and is determined _____.Liu, a young _____ of Calaf’s father, also_____ Calaf._____ between Calaf, Liu and Turandot appears in face of audience. avoid marriage the three riddlesdieprince in love to marry her. slavelovesA classic love triangle Climax__ dies for Calaf. Calaf kisses Turandot whose heart grows____.EndingCalaf and Turandot _____ and the whole city _____.Liuunite in marriage celebrates their happinesssofter Other information about the performance the director: the conductor: the main actors and actresses: (para.8)Zhang YimouZubin MehtaSharon Sweet, Barbara Hendricks, Kristjian Johannsson What does the writer think of the opera? A. terrible B. moving C. boring D. amazing(para.9)Further discussion1. Analyze the personalities of the main characters. 2. What contributes to Turandot’s transformation? 3. What is the theme of the story? Love is an everlasting theme.It’s love that makes the world go round. And it’s also love that has such po ... ...

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