
Unit 5 My Body 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:50次 大小:2626378Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Unit 5 My bodySing a song : Watch a video: What do they have ?They have puppets.Hello ! I’m Mr. Puppet. Nice to meet you !nosemouthearsarmshandslegsfeetThese are...This is... 观察这些句子,你能找到This is和These are的用法有什么规律吗?This is my hand. These are my hands. This is my eye. These are my eyes. This is my book. These are my books. This is 后面用名词的单数。例如: This is my ear. These are 后面用名词的复数。例如: These are my ears. Look at the sentences and find out something . Fill in the blanks with “This is ”or “These are “.请用This is 或者 These are填空.你会吗?1. _____ my arm. _____ her eyes. _____ his pens. 4. _____ my ruler. _____ my foot. _____ her feet.This is These areThis isThese areThis isThese areThis is my puppet. I like my puppet . Do you have a puppet ?The watermelon is his head.The pear is his body.The lemons are his arms.The apples are his eyes.The bananas are his ears.Fun time : make a puppet !The watermelon is his _____. The strawberries are his _____. The _____ is his head. The cherries are his _____. The _____ ___ his mouth. The lemon is his _____. The _____ ___ ___ _____. bodyeyespearhandsbananaisnoseorangesarehislegsLet's make a Mr. Stationery(文具先生)!The paper is his head. The pencil sharpeners are his eyes. The glue is his nose. The protractor is his mouth. The book is his body. The reading glasses are his arms and hands. The rulers are his legs. The erasers are his feet.HomeworkMake a creative body with things in our life and explain your work: (用身边的物品摆弄一个创意身体,并对你的作品加以说明)贴照片处The _____ is his _____. The _____ is his _____. The _____ is his _____. The _____ are his _____. The _____ are his _____. The _____ are his _____.The cookie box is his head. The cookies are his eyes. The white bottle is his nose. The coins are his mouth. The dictionary is his body. …Song : <>

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