
Unit 5 Our School 单元复习课件 41张PPT

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:67次 大小:3171328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Our School 第一课时 garden school gate playground playground 操场 play--玩耍 ground--地面 teachers' office toilet library classroom computer 38页单词 10英5汉 并背过 Unit 5 Our School 第二课时 garden computer classroom library toilet teachers' office playground classroom playground garden toilet school gate 有 have 有 There be There is There are There is+单数 There are+复数 There is a boy in the classroom. There are three ducks on the farm. let's practice 我们来练习吧 There is a cat under the tree. 树底下有一只猫。 There are two dogs under the tree. 树下面有两只狗。 There are three pigs on the farm. There are four students in the classroom. There is an apple in the box. There is a book on the desk. There be-- 的一般疑问句 Is there a book on the desk There are some books on the desk. Are there any books on the desk 规则: is/are要提前, some 变any,其他都不变. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. ? ? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. There is a cat under the tree. 树底下有一只猫。 Is there a cat under the tree? 树底下有一只猫吗? Yes, there is. There are two dogs under the tree. 树下面有两只狗。 Are there two dogs under the tree? 树下面有两只狗吗? Yes, there are. There are some pigs on the farm. Are there any pigs on the farm? Yes, there are. There are some students in the classroom. Are there any students in the classroom? Yes, there are. There is an apple in the box. Is there an apple in the box? Yes, there is. Work in pairs There is a _____ in the _____. Is there a _____in the _____? There are some _____in the _____. Are there any _____in the _____? There is a _____ in the _____. Is there a _____in the _____? There are some _____in the _____. Are there any _____in the _____? Unit 5 Our School 第三课时 classroom playground garden toilet school gate 有 have 有 There be There is There are There is+单数 There are+复数 There is a boy in the classroom. There are three ducks on the farm. There is a book on the desk. There be-- 的一般疑问句 Is there a book on the desk There are some books on the desk. Are there any books on the desk 规则: is/are要提前, some 变any,其他都不变. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. ? ? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. A D C A Is there a teachers' office? Yes, there is. Look! Those are our classrooms. Is there a library? Yes, there is a small library. Are there any computers in the library? No, there aren't.

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