
Unit 7 How much are these socks SectionB(1a-1e)优质课课件(25PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:37次 大小:1998712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Unit 7 How much are these socks? Period 4 Section B (1a – 1e) Big sale!年末大促销,商场急需大量售货员。 The big sale is coming, the stores need a lot of salesmen. This is a training class for salesmen. 售货员培训班. We have a new name. 学习目标Teaching and learning aims and language points: 1.Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words: ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty,…forty,fifty. 2.Be able to talk about clothing and prices like: --How much is this sweater? --It’s twenty dollars. --How much are these trousers? --They are only $16! 3.Improve the listening, speaking and writing skills. $8$7$4$3$5$3$6$9How much is/ are…? It’s / They’re…Task 1 热身培训 Pair work $89 Task 2 岗前培训 Self study小组互读 互相帮助哦! 31? 32?2.基数词 13—19: 以_____结尾,即_____ (十位,个位)+teen ,有3个数字需特殊记, 它们是_____,_____,_____ 4. 基数词21-29、31-39、41-49: 由____+____ -teen3. 基数词 20、30、40: 以____结尾,即_____(十位,个位)+ty 。十位个位 1. 1 - 12: (根据读音记忆单词)Find out the rules:teenthirteen十位eighteenfifteen ty十位Game1 萝卜蹲. 发音不准、停顿或重复 -1分One, one, I am one. Ten, ten! Ten, ten, I am ten. Eleven, eleven! Eleven, eleven, I am eleven. ...!Game1 萝卜蹲. 发音不准、停顿或重复 -1分One, one, I am one. Ten! Ten, ten, I am ten. Eleven! Eleven, eleven, I am eleven. ...!411831131929321222Task 3 业务技能培训 Professional Competence Training sweatershortstrouserssocksshoesskirt$18$44$11$13$26$15How much is/ are…? It’s / They’re… Pair work hat skirt$23$30$17Higher (再高点).Lower (再低点).$17--How much is/are ....? --It’s / They’re… dollars.Game 2 Guess the price. Rules: A组用组内服装自己编写价格($10-$49)并提问。3次内未被他人猜中,则A组获胜!Higher (再高点).Lower (再低点).Task 4 岗前实习 Pre-employment Training(1) 听对话、圈价格。Circle the prices you hear. Salesman: Welcome. Can I help you? Mom: Yes, please! I need some clothes for New Year. Seller: Do you like this white _____? Mom: Mmm, yes, I do. How much is it? Seller: _____ dollars. Kate: But you have a white T-shirt. Mom: Mmm. I don’t like white. Seller: Oh, do you like these _____? Kate: Oh, yes , I do! They are so nice. Mom: I like these socks, too. They are beautiful. How much are they? Seller: They are _____ dollars. Kate: Oh! That’s too expensive(太贵了). Seller: How about these _____? Mom: How much are they? Seller:They are only _____dollars. Mom: Ok. I’ll take _____. T-shirtfifteenElevensockstrousersthirtythem Shorthand. 写首字母或数字!(2)再听一遍听力,填空。Fill in the blanks. 恭喜大家,顺利通过培训! Congartulations!The clothes are on sale!Let’s be good salesmen. Task 5 Show! 培训成果展示 Useful sentences参考句型: 1. Welcome. Can I help you? 2. I need.... 3. What color...? 4. How much...? 5. How about...? 6. I like these socks. 7. I’ll take it / them. 8. Thank you. 9. You are welcome.A is a seller(售货员),B,C,D are customers(顾客). 编购物对话(用组内服装)评价标准: 语音语调正确 + 1 表达洪 ... ...

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