
选修7 unit 5 Travelling abroad warming up and reading课件 (共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:4540337Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。Unit 3 life in the futurePeriod 1&2 Warming up and Reading IUnit 5 Travelling abroad1)Have you ever been abroad? 2)How would you feel when you were in a new country? 3)Would you like to travel abroad? Why or why not? Warming up4)What place would you like to visit? Why? 5)Would you like to travel alone or with your family / a friend? 6)Which school would you like to go if you were offered to travel abroad? Look at the pictures and guess where they are.耶鲁大学 Yale University 总统的摇篮 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 美国政治家的摇篮 33位诺贝尔奖得主 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 科技宠儿的摇篮 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 牛津大学 University of Oxford Harvard UniversityThe University of SydneyWhat should we take into account(考虑) before we decide to travel abroad?Local conditions and customsApply for a visaMaking plansMoney (traveller’s cheque)TransportationThinkingLanguage--Pre-reading 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Discuss in groups,please. Advantageshelp us to be independent. would be easier to learn a foreign languageeasier to learn advanced knowledge and technologylearn a lot about local customs and broaden our viewsfun to live in a new country.relaxing get rid of anxiety have many new experiencesDisadvantagesdifficult to communicate with otherswill cost a lot of money. may be tiring to live in a new country. must look after oneself.Reading Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese student fitting in wellNew wordsboard vt. qualification n. recommend vt. comfort n. & vt. substitute n. requirement n. 上(船、飞机) 资格 ,资格证明 推荐;介绍 舒服;舒适;安慰 代替品 需要;需求academic adj. tutor n. numb adj. acknowledge vt. occupy vt. enterprise n succeed v. comment n.&vi. 学校的.学院的 家庭教师;导师; 助教 麻木的.失去知觉的 承认;确认; 答谢 占领,使忙于 事业,计划 成功;接替; 继任 评论;批评Summarize the main idea of the whole text. It mainly talks about the Chinese student Xie Lei’s _____ _____ ____ _____, especially about some _____ she gets as well as some _____ she faces while studying in London. benefitsdifficulties university study and life(30words)Fast readingskimmingPara.1____ match the main idea to each paragraph.Para.2____Para.3____Para.5_____Para.6_____Para.4____Para.7_____A. The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study B. The advantages of living with a host family. C. Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country--London. D. Xie Lei is getting used to the Western University’s way of learning. E.. The newspaper will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions. F. The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London. G. Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life.CAFBDGE 1 It was the first time that Xie Lei had left her home country. 2 She has come to the England University to complete a literature qualification. 3 Most foreign students must complete the preparation course before entering a course. 4 Xie Lei lives in student ... ...

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