
Unit 3 My Friends 课件 14张PPT

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:8795648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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My Friends Unit 3 two tall teachers _____ in the rain, Bow and bow and bow again. How are you? How are you? How are you again? two short mothers two small babies short fat tall Let’s talk I have a brother. His name is Joe. He is tall and handsome. Let’s talk I have a sister. Her name is Ollie. She is short and pretty. Let’s talk I have a friend. She is a girl. She is tall and pretty. Her name is Duoduo. Let’s talk This is my father. He is tall and strong. He is handsome, too His name is Kaka. This is Alice. She’s my friend. She’s a girl. She’s short. She’s thin. This is Joe. He’s my friend. He’s a boy. He’s tall. He’s fat. Name tall short fat thin Alice √ √ Joe √ √ This is … He’s/She’s my friend. He’s/She’s a boy/a girl. He’s/She’s … He’s/She’s … Name tall short fat thin Question Answer Is your friend a boy/girl? Is he/she tall/short? Is he/she fat/thin? How old is he/she? Can he/she …? Is he/she _____(name)? Let’s learn letters Ii ice-cream Jj juice Let’s learn letters Kk kite Ll light Homework 放学回家别忘了用今天学过的新句型向父母描述你身边的人哦!!!

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