
Lesson 39 A Class Calendar (课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:13次 大小:15404309Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Lesson 39 A Class Calendar同步练习 一.根据提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.J_____ is the first month of a year. 2.February is the _____ (two) month of a year. 3.A_____ comes after March. 4.In our school, we have our S_____ D_____ in autumn. 5.There is a big sale on J_____ 1, Children's Day. 二.单项选择。 6.—What's the date? —_____. A.It's Sundays B.It's February 6 C.It's rainy D.It's hot 7.We are going to Guangzhou _____ February. A.on B.at C.of D.in 8.May comes _____ March. A.before B.after C.to D.on 9.Jenny is after Jim.She is _____ runner. A.second B.the second C.first D.the first 10.Our class has a game _____ Class 6. A.on B.in C.against D.to 三、按要求完成下列各题 11.Today is February 2.(对画线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ today? 12.April comes after March. (改为同义句) March _____ _____ April. 13.It is rainy today. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ it today? 14.What's his favourite season? (改为同义句) What season _____ he _____ _____? 15.We will have a football game. (改为否定句) We _____ _____ have a football game. 阅读理解 (词数:约60;建议用时:4分钟) Daming's Calendar Monday Morning: school Afternoon: basketball practice Evening: attend(参加) a party Thursday Morning: school Afternoon: visit his grandparent Evening: have a piano lesson Tuesday Morning: school Afternoon: study for the Chinese test Friday Morning: school Evening: his friend's birthday party Wednesday Morning: school Evening: do homework Saturday Sunday do something He would like to do 31.How many days does Daming go to school in a week? A.Five days. B.Four days. C.Six days. D.Seven. 32.What's Daming doing on Monday evening? A.Having a guitar lesson. B.Attending attend a party. C.Doing her homework. D.Having nothing to do. 33.When is Daming studying for the Chinese test? A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Wednesday. D.On Friday. 34.Whose birthday is on Friday according to the passage? A.Daming's. B.Daming's grandma's. C.Daming's friend's. D.Daming's father's. 35.What does Daming do at the weekend? A.He has lessons. B.He goes to school. C.He has an English test at school. D.He can do anything she wants to do. 答 案 一.1.January 2.second 3.April 4.Sports Day 5.June 二.6~10:BDABC 四、31.A 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.D 冀教七上英语Lesson 39 A Class Calendar教学设计 课题 Lesson 39 A Class Calendar 单元 Unit 7 学科 English 年级 Seven 学习 目标 掌握词汇:New words: date,January,March,April,June,second, February,third,fourth,fifth,May,sixth。 (2)掌握短语及句型: 1.What’s the date? 今天几号? 2.It's January 2. 今天是一月二日。 3.We have a basketball game against Class 4 on April 12. 5. first/f??st/num.&det.第一(的) second/'sek?nd/num.&det.&adv.第二(的) 6.Sports Day 运动会 重点 本课需要掌握的词汇、短语及句型。 难点 运用所学内容。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Let s enjoy a video 播放一段相关视频 展示相关图片。 Step 2:Free talk 提问学生What is the date today? How many months in a year? ... ...

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