
人教版 必修二unit 1 Cultural relics part2课件 (共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:74次 大小:448859Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。Unit 1 Cultural relicsVocabulary 2导:4minsRead the word loudly .Listen to the tape.思:10minsChoose the best answers according to the passage. Fill in the blanks.议:7minsHave a penal discussion with group members 展评:17minsChoose the best answers according to the passage. Fill in the blanks.1、amazing ① It was amazing that he should have survived the big fire.( ) ② I find it amazing that you can’t swim. ( ) 根据①-②例句可知,amazing的词性是 ,意思为 ,相关搭配为 , 其意思是 。令人吃惊的令人吃惊的adj.令人吃惊的;惊人的It is amazing that…令人惊讶的是…③ I was amazed at/by his achievement in painting.( ) ④ I was amazed that he knew a lot of about stamps.( ) ⑤ He was amazed to meet the girl there.( ) 根据③-⑤例句可知,amazed的词性是 ,意思为 。相关搭配为: 、和 、 。 意思是 、_____、 。对…感到惊讶惊奇……惊讶的做某事adj.惊奇的;吃惊的be amazed at/by be amazed to do 对…感到惊讶惊讶的做某事(be)amazed +that/how-从句惊奇……⑥ To my amazement, it took him such a short time to work out so hard a problem.( ) 根据⑥句可知,amazement的词性是 ,意思是 。 相关搭配为 ,意思是 。 ⑦ Her knowledge amazes me. ( ) 根据⑦句可知,amaze的词性是 ,意思是 。 相关搭配为 ,意思是 。 扩展:in amazement 惊讶地令我吃惊的是n.惊奇;吃惊to one’s amazement令某人吃惊的是Vt.使大为吃惊,使惊诧 使大为吃惊;使惊诧It amazes sb that .让某人很惊讶的是amazing adj.令人惊讶的;惊人的amazed adj. 惊讶的be amazed to do:惊讶的做某事be amazed at/by sth: 对…感到惊讶 amazement n. 惊奇;吃惊in amazement 惊讶地to one’s amazement 令某人惊讶的是amaze vt. 使惊奇;使惊诧It amazes sb that…让某人很惊讶的是It is amazing that…令人惊讶的是… (be)amazed +that/how-从句 惊讶…2. select ① He was selected to design a new logo for the company.( ) ② He was selected as the leader of the football team.( ) ③ She selected her favorite book from her collections and read it to her children.( ) 由①-③可知,select的词性为 ,意思是 。相关搭配为: 、 和 ; 意思是 , 和 。 扩展: selective adj.慎重选择的;精挑细选的 selection n.可选之人或物;选集 make a selection 做出选择 被选择做某事被挑选…作为从…中选出动词挑选,选择,选拔select sb to do sthselect…as…select…from…选择某人做某事挑选…作为…从…中选出…*辨析:select,choose和pick都有“选择”之意①.select sb.to do sth 选择某人做某事②.select…as… 挑选…作为…③select…from 从…中选出…select3.design ① He was invited to make a design for the new bridge.( ) ② The Amber Room is very good in design.( ) ③ People will never know whether this happened by design or not.( ) 根据①-③可知,design的词性是 ,意思是 。相关搭配为: 、 、 。为…设计在设计上故意地名词设计,图案,构思,计划make a design forin designby design④ design a logo for the company 为公司设计一个标志( ) ⑤ be designed for beginners 为初学者设计( ) ⑥ be designed as a reception hall 设计为接待厅( ) ⑦ The route was designed to relieve the heavy traffic. 这条路线是为了缓解繁忙的交通而设计的。( ) 根据④--⑦可知,design的词性为 ,意思是 。 ... ...

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