
Unit 6 How do you feel A let's learn优质课件+教案+练习+动画素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:13次 大小:15452417Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit6 How do you feel A let’s learn 人教PEP 六年级上册 Let’s sing How does Sarah feel happy Sarah is happy. How do they feel They are _____. happy Presentation How does she feel angry She is angry. How do they feel They are _____. angry Presentation Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. afraid Presentation afraid How do they feel They are _____. afraid Presentation sad She is sad. How does he feel He is _____. sad Presentation How does she feel The cat is ill. Sarah is _____. sad She is ill. Presentation Where is the cat It is on the tree. What do Sarah and the cat feel They're worried. worried Presentation angry ill afraid happy afraid angry worried sad sad worried 快速读出出现的单词,看到炸弹要说“bomb嘭”。 Game time Let’s read Sarah and her cat. Sarah is _____. angry The cat is _____. afraid The cat is _____. Sarah is _____. ill sad Presentation Sarah and her cat. Sarah and the cat are _____. worried They are _____. happy Presentation 快速反应 1、每组派一名同学,根据画面出现的图片回答。 2、回答最快又准确的晋级。 3、留到最后的同学赢,为小组加一分 Show time Show time I act you guess 每组派一名同学上讲台,抽取单词卡。 2. 该同学把抽到的单词用动作表演出来, 其他小组成员猜。 3. 一次机会,猜对的小组加一分。 默契大考验 Presentation 1. 第三人称单数 He she It e.g. -How does Mike feel -He is angry. 2. 其他人称 I am They are e.g. - How do you feel -I am sad. 如何表达情绪? language point is happy/sad/worried/angry/afraid... happy/sad/worried/angry/afraid... How does he feel He is afraid. Practice Dreams summary new words: happy, sad, afraid, worried, angry main sentences: How do/does sb feel I am... He/She/It is... They are... Homework 1.听录音跟读learn部分单词和句子 2. 同桌之间玩我演你猜游戏 3.完成同步练习。 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教PEP英语六年级Unit6 How do you feel A let’s learn课时教案 课题 A let’s learn 单元 Unit 6 学科 英语 年级 六上 学习目标 能听说读写单词happy, sad, afraid, worried, angry能用新学得单词正确表达情绪,I am...He/She/It is...They are...能够完成write and say部分任务 重点 能用新学得单词正确表达情绪,I am...He/She/It is...They are... 难点 能够完成write and say部分任务 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up Let’s sing 歌曲引出主题情绪 Listen and sing 由听唱活动引入学习话题。 Presentation and practice 由Let’s sing 歌曲引出主题情绪,出示歌曲中的情景图片,问How does Sarah feel 引出单词happy 图片音频教学新单词happy, sad, afraid, worried, angry游戏快速读出出现的单词播放learn部分动画,跟读句子单词Sarah and her cat.讲解不同情景下他们不同的心情,音频跟读并补充句子小组比赛:快速反应一,每组派一名同学,根据画面出现的图片回答。二,回答最快又准确的晋级。三,留到最后的同学赢,为小组加一分默契大考验:我演你猜呈现write and say 部分内容,让学生先自己写,然后出示答 ... ...

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