
牛津译林版八年级上Unit 7 Seasons 复习课件(34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:1586694Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期末 复习 8A Unit 7 1 be full of 充满、装满(常用来表示状态) be filled with充满、装满(常用来表示动作) fill …with … 把 ……装满 一,词汇 The ground _____ snow. is full of is filled with 请把瓶子装满水。 Please _____ _____ _____ _____ water. fill the bottle with 2. forget vt. 忘记 forgot forget to do 忘记去做某事 forget doing 忘记做过某事 Don’t forget _____ (关灯) before leaving. to turn off the light leave something at /in … 把某物落在某地 Sorry , I _____ (把书落在家里了)。 left the books at home 3. fly hide drop eat feel fall bring forget hear blow speak rise flew hid dropped ate felt fell brought forgot heard blew spoke rose 4. temperature high temperature low temperature stay above zero 维持在零度以上 drop below zero 降至零度以下 rise to 5 degrees 升至5度 drop/fall to 5 degrees 降至5度 5. cover n. 封面,盖子,罩 n. 庇护所 vt. 覆盖, 包括 There are no _____ on the bowls. covers The reserve provides food and _____ for wildlife. cover The whole world is _____ deep white snow. covered with / in cover sth. with / in … sth. be covered in / with .. 6. sleep vi. 睡,睡觉 n. 睡眠 sleepy adj. 困倦的,瞌睡的 sleeping adj. 正睡着的 asleep adj. 睡着的 作表语 fall asleep 入睡 (强调动作) be asleep 入睡 (强调状态) 一个正睡着的孩子 a sleeping child 他看起来昏昏入睡 He looks sleepy 7. Noun + suffix => adj. cloud wind rain snow sun fog cloudy windy rainy snowy sunny foggy luck health sleep shine noise taste fun lucky healthy sleepy shiny noisy tasty funny 1. He_____ (扔) his ticket somewhere yesterday and now he can't find it. 2. My grandfather always_____ (咳嗽) at midnight. He should go to see the doctor. 3. The woman kept_____ (打电话) her son but no one answered. 4. The_____ (突发) illness took his life last year. 5. She set the books_____ (在…之上) the desk and went out. 6. It's good to be back on_____ (陆地) after the long flight. 7. It's a good day! There's not a_____ (云) in the sky. 8. -What will the_____ be like tomorrow? -It'll be sunny. 9. -I looked for you_____, but I didn't find you. -Sorry. I was next door because Mrs Li asked me for help. 10. -I hate_____ days. I feel uncomfortable in a raincoat. -Oh, but don't you think it is romantic (浪漫) to walk in such weather? 自我检测(笔记本上写出每题答案) 1.把某物带给某人 bring sb sth / bring sth to sb 2.看起来酷 look cool 3.什么都不穿 with nothing on 4.装满/充满… be full of =be filled with sth 5.飞往远方 fly far away 6. 在花丛中嬉戏 play among flowers 7.躲避… hide from… 躲避四月的阵雨 hide from the April showers 8. 在池塘边 by a pool 9. 秋天的落叶 autumn leaves ( 单数 leaf) 10.变成褐色 /红色 turn brown/ red 11.落在地上 fall on/upon the ground 成堆地落在地上fall into piles upon the ground 12.收割庄稼 harvest crops 13.下雪的季节 the snowy season 14.飞走 fly away 15.在炎热的夏日下午 on a hot summer afternoon 16.覆盖整个地面 cover the whole earth 17.降到零度以下 drop/ fall below zero 18.有…的回忆 have a memory of …(有好记忆力have a good memory) 19.感冒 have/catch a cold 重感冒 have/catch a bad c ... ...

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