
Unit 1 My day PA Let’s learn 课件+素材 (15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:6281629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。Unit OnePart A第二课时 Let’s learn; Ask and writeMy day.ReviewWhat time is it?It’s nine o’clock.It’s nine o’clock.Ask and answerGo over these phrases:wash my clotheswatch TVdo homework read booksplay footballdo morning exercises, do morning exercises, Let’s/I often do morning exercises.eat dinner, eat dinner, Let’s/ I often eat dinner.Can you do morning exercises/…? Yes,I can./No,I can’t. When do you do morning exercises ? At… o’clock.单击播放视频Consolidation and extensionRole-play: 1.Answers the questions. T:What time is it? Ss:It’s six/nine o’clock. T:I get up at six o’clock.When do you get up/go to school? Ss:I get up at 7 a.m/ 7:30.Consolidation and extension单击播放视频达标检测一?选词填空,并读一读? 1.When do you (上英语课)? 2.I play (进行体育运动)at 6 o’clock. 3.We eat (吃早饭) at 7 o’clock a.m. 4.When do you do morning (晨练)? 5.Let’s eat (吃晚饭) together.have an English classsportsbreakfastexercisesdinner1.书写并背诵四会词组? 2.读背Let’s learn的对话?Unit 1 My day Part A Let’s learn; Ask and write 1.重点词组: do morning exercises eat breakfast have a class play sports eat dinner 2.重点句型: When do you do morning exercises/eat breakfast? At…o’clock. When do you get up? I get up at…a.m/ p.m.返回首页板书设计重点单词do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinnerWhen do you do morning exercises/…? At…o’clock重点句型返回首页 本单元A部分的词汇目标是:学生能听?说?读?写四会词组,即do morning exercises(晨练),have an English class(上英语课),play sports(进行体育活动),eat breakfast(吃早饭),eat dinner(吃晚饭),句型比较贴近实际,询问几点做什么事情以及其回答?难点集中在个别短语中单词的读法,如exercises和usually读起来都较拗口?我感觉整体上教材的跨度比较大,对于学生的要求又提升了一个阶段,不再是以前的单词拼背了,而是现在的词组短语的拼背,其中的难度逐渐加大了?教学反思

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