
Unit 4 What can you do? 期末复习课件 (共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:363881Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件14张PPT。Unit 4 What can you do?PEP 五年级上册 单元复习课学习目标1 能够正确拼读本单元四会单词; 2 能熟练掌握和运用本单元重点句型; 3 掌握字母组合oo在单词中读音规则。王牌对王牌游戏规则: 按要求每完成一项任务 即可获得2分,满10分即可获得一张王牌,集齐10张王牌即可获得一次特权机会。王牌对王牌任务一:在习题本上写出以下表示活动的单词,全部正确可得2分。烹饪,烹调_____ 唱英文歌曲_____ 跳舞_____ 弹琵琶_____ 画_____ 练武术_____ 游泳_____ 画漫画_____ 漫画_____ 打篮球_____ 打乒乓球_____ 说英语_____speak Englishcooksing English songsdanceplay the pipa drawdo kung fu swimdraw cartoons cartoonplay basketballplay ping-pong王牌对王牌任务二:翻译重点句型 (两人一组,正确读出句子并翻译成汉语可得2分)1. --What can you do for the party? --I can sing songs. 2. --Can you do any kung fu, John? --Yes, I can. 3. We’ll have an English party next Tuesday? 4. Who can dance? 5. Today we’ll learn some kung fu.王牌对王牌任务三:看例子,说语法,学解题 (听老师讲例句,然后做下一页习题,全对可得2分)I can draw pictures.(变为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答) Can you draw pictures?肯定回答: Yes, I can. (Yes,主语(人称代词)+can.) 否定回答: No, I can’t. (No,主语(人称代词) +can + not.)典题演练 1. —Can you sing? —Yes,_____. A. you can B. I can C. I can’t 2. —Can she dance? — _____ A. Yes, she can’t. B. No, she can. C. No, she can’t.CB解析:看关键词,用Can you问,就用Yes, I can或者No, I can’t答。解析:先看选项,A和B选项前后矛盾,排除。故C选项正确,它符合用Can she问,就用Yes, she can或者No, she can’t答。3. —Can she speak English? — _____ A. Yes, she is. B. No, she can. C. Yes, she can. 4. —Can tigers fly? —_____ A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they can. C. No, they can’t. CA解析:看关键词,用Can she问,就用Yes, she can.或者No, she can’t答。选C.我们同样可得出用Can he问,就用Yes, he can.或者No, he can’t答。解析:看关键词,是can引导的一般疑问句,答语中应该有can,所以A选项可以排除。根据实际可知老虎是不会飞的,因此应选C。要注意人称代词的选择。典题演练王牌对王牌任务四:写出下列句子的否定句和问句 (全对可得2分)解析:含有can的句子变否定句就是在can后加not。写问句从理解句意入手,这句话的意思是“我会唱英文歌”,用它作答语,应该是问“你会做什么”所以答案是“What can you do?”I can not sing English songs.What can you do?1. I can sing English songs.王牌对王牌解析:由第一题的解答,变否定句是在can后加not。 写问句就是问某人会做什么,结构是What can 人称do?,只要注意人称的变化就可以了。2. He can play football. 3. She can play the pipa. 4. They can play ping-pong. He can not play football.What can he do? She can not play the pipaWhat can she do?What can they do? They can not play ping-pong.王牌对王牌任务五:用the填空 (全对得2分)1. play ping-pong. 2. play the erhu. 3. play basketball 4. play the piano 5. play football 6. play the pipa小结:play后跟球类项目,不加the; play后跟乐器名称,要加the。王牌对王牌知识链接:字母组合oo的发音规律情况例词王牌对王牌同学们,看看你获得了多少分?加油!!!1 熟记本节课所学的单词和重点句型,必须达到会听、说、读、写、译。 2 完成配套的课后作业。 ... ...

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