
【新版原创】Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use课件+教案+学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:88次 大小:6425972Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== Unit 3 Language in use课件:18张PPT Unit 3 Language in use精品学案 导学重难点:现在进行时态的时间状语 【典型例题】 -- May I speak to the headmaster【2018北京】 -- He _____ a meeting now. Can I take a message A. is having B. had C. has D. will have 【考点精析】 句意:“我可以和校长讲话吗?”“他现在正在开会,(需要)我帮你捎个口信吗?” 解题思路: 1. 看选项、找考点:由选项中have的不同词形得知,本题考查时态。 2. 看题干、找标志词:now现在进行时的时间状语标志,故选A。 【举一反三】 祝你每天进步一点点! 【同步习题】 一.情景对话: A: Hi, Betty. B: Hi, Tony. A: __1__ B: I’m watching TV. A: __2__ B: No,this TV show is interesting.__3__ A: Yes,she is. B: Are David and Mary getting ready for the English test A: __4__ Mary is learning to swim and David is helping her. B: Well,go to ask Lingling.She likes playing tennis. A: Good idea.__5__ B: See you. A.See you later. B.No,they aren’t. C.Is Kate cleaning her room D.Do you want to play tennis E.What are you doing F.He is working.  二.句子翻译: 1.辉在拍照。 WangHui_____photos. 大明在晒太阳吗。 _____the sun 格林一家不在吃中餐。 ================================================ 压缩包内容: m9_words.mp3 Thumbs.db Unit 3 Language in use学案.doc Unit 3 Language in use教学设计.doc Unit 3 Language in use课件.pptx

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