
牛津译林9A Unit6 TV Programmes Vocabulary教学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:13次 大小:5342Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9A Unit 6 TV Programmes Vocabulary教学案 学习目标: 知识目标:学习关于电视节目类型的生词和短语。 能力目标:用所学词汇谈论不同类型的电视节目。 情感目标:帮助学生形成对电视节目的正确态度。 学习重、难点:1. 学习关于电视节目类型的生词和短语。 2. 用所学词汇谈论不同类型的电视节目。 3. 帮助学生形成对电视节目的正确态度。 学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学过程: Step 1 Revision 1.复习Reading .(Finish the following exercises.) Well done! 2.I’ll give you a prize,please Listen to the music.Do you like it?Why? This is a feature song of a TV programme.(篮球火).It is a drama series.Today we will learn more about types of TV programme. Step 2 Warm up Ⅰ.聪明的你请先自学一下这节课的学习目标吧! II. 知道了这节课的目标后,我们一起来检测一下你们的预习成果,请试着翻译下列词语吧! Chat show_____comedy_____series_____ Game show_____ types of TV programmes_____ drama series_____learn a lot about_____ win a great prize_____ Love sth so much_____ sit in front of the TV for hours_____ III. Now, please read the new words and phrases .( Good ) Step 3 Lead-in Look at these pictures and match with the new phrases. Step 4 Presentation 1.Please finish Part A on page 68. 2.Can you describe the pictures.Do you want to know more about them ?Let’s finish Part B. 3.Check answers .Tell me something about them. 4.Read the dialouge and have a test. Step 5 Action 1.Give them some useful phrases and pictures to make the similar dialouges. 2.Act it out.(让学生表演对话,至少5组,一组两人) 3.Encourge them and give them some advice.(建议可由学生给出。比如:you can /you should/I think you should pay attention to…) Step6 exercises (听、说到现在了,现在大家动动手吧!) 一、根据句意填入适当的单词. 1. All of us are expecting them to have a good_____ (结局 ). 2. Did you watch the horror film named _____ (谋杀) in a country house. 3. Cindy Clark is a new _____(导演). 4. My brother likes _____ (解决) mysteries. 5. The _____ (男演员) all did well in the film. 6. It’s _____ (危险) to play football in the street. 7. He was working on the day of his _____ (死). 二.Write down what you learn in this lesson.(单词,短语,句型等) Step 7 Discussion Do you watch TV everyday ?How much TV do you watch every week? Is it good to watch TV too much ?Why?What should we do ? How to achieve a balance between TV and study? Step 8 Homework Write a passage about your favorite program and send an e-mail to me about your favorite program. Recite Part B. (相信你是最棒的,给自己打个分吧! My score:___)

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