
Starter Units1-3 同步练习(3份打包含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:167267Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    STARTER UNIT 1 Good morning! Ⅰ.从方框中选出下列句子的适当答语 (  )1.Good morning,Dale! (  )2.Hello,Bob! (  )3.Good afternoon,Eric! (  )4.How are you? (  )5.Good evening,Helen! A.Good afternoon,Grace! B.Hello,Cindy! C.Good morning,Frank! D.I’m fine,thanks. E.Good evening,Alice! Ⅱ.单项选择 1.—Good afternoon,Lily! —   ,Lucy!? A.Good morning    B.Good afternoon C.Good evening D.Hello 2.—Hello,Eric! —   ,David!? A.OK B.Good C.Fine D.Hello 3.向别人表达谢意时,你应说:  ? A.Fine. B.OK! C.Hi! D.Thanks. 4.Aa—Hh中的两个元音字母是    。? A.Aa;Bb B.Aa;Ff C.Aa;Ee D.Ee;Gg Ⅲ.根据图示补全对话,每空一词 1./ —Good morning,Cindy! —              ,Frank!? 2./ —              ,Mr.Li!? —Good afternoon,Bob! 3./ —Hello,Da Ming! —        ,Li Hong!? 4./ —              ,Mr.Lin!? —Good evening,Mr.Wang! 5./ —                ?? —Fine,thanks. Ⅳ.连词成句 1.you, Hi, How, Grace, are  ?? 2.fine, you, Thank, I’m  .? 3.OK, I, thanks, am  .? 4.afternoon, Miss, Good, Gao  !? 参考答案 Ⅰ.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E Ⅱ.1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C Ⅲ.1.Good morning 2.Good afternoon 3.Hello/Hi 4.Good evening 5.How are you Ⅳ.1.Hi,Grace!How are you 2.I’m fine.Thank you 3.I am OK,thanks 4.Good afternoon,Miss Gao STARTER UNIT 2 What’s this in English? Ⅰ.单项选择 1.This is    cup and that is    orange.? A.a;a        B.a;an C.an;a D.an;an 2.下面单词中字母e不发音的选项是    。? A.jacket B.orange C.key D.pen 3.—What’s this in English? —   .? A.Hi B.Spell it,please C.K-E-Y D.It’s a pen 4.美国职业篮球联赛的英文缩写是   。? A.NBA B.CBA C.CUBA D.BBA 5.—How do you spell “map”? —   .? A.Yes,M-A-P B.M-A-P C.Yes,it’s M-A-P D.A map Ⅱ.用a或an填空,不填的用“/”表示 1.What’s this in       English?? 2.That is       jacket.? 3.This is       ruler.? 4.Spell      ———quilt”,please.? 5.That is       orange jacket.? Ⅲ.根据所给图片用适当的词完成对话 1.—What’s this? —It’s           .?/ 2.—What’s that in English? —It’s             .?/ 3.—      this?? —It’s a jacket./ 4.—What’s that in English? —It’s a      .?/ 5.—What’s this in English? —It’s a      .?/ Ⅳ.选词填空 you is English in please 1.Say (说) it      Chinese.? 2.      spell it.? 3.—How are      ?? —I’m fine.Thank you. 4.What      this in English?? 5.This is an         book.? Ⅴ.按要求完成下列句子 1.This is a map.(对画线部分提问)?            this?? 2.is,that,English,what,in (连词成句)  ?? 3.— ?(根据答句写出问句)? —It’s a map. 4.这是一本语文书。(完成句子) This is             book.? 5.—Spell map,please.(写出相应的答句) — .? Ⅵ.补全对话 Teacher:Good morning!1.  ? Student:My name is Li Lei.How are you,Miss Chen? Teacher:2.    And you?? Student:I’m fine,too. Teacher:3.  ? Student:It’s a key. Teacher:4.  ? Student:Yes,K-E-Y,key. Teacher:5.    Goodbye!? Student:Go ... ...

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