
Unit6 How do you feel A let's talk 精课 微课 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:33940137Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    版本科目年级课时教学设计 课题 A let’s talk 单元 Unit6 How do you feel? 学科 English 年级 六 学习 目标 听说认读写句型The mice are afraid of the cat. The cat is angry with them. 听说认读单词bad、hurt与句子Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now. 3.学生能够理解对话大意。 重点 学生能够理解对话大意。 难点 be+表示情绪的形容词结构,来表达心情和感受。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 1.Let’s chant:If you are happy clap your hands. 2.Brain Storm: angry sad...复习表示心情的单词。 边听边唱 说单词 复习旧知,为学生学习新知及语言的输出做铺垫。 讲授新课 1.Let’s try. (用PPT呈现Sarah Sam 谈话情境图片。 T:Who are they? Look out of the window, What’s the weather like? Where are they? 引导学生猜测听力内容。 (T:If you are at home and it ;s very cold, what will you do?引导学生根据实际情况回答。 (播放录音,学生做课本问题,并核对答案。 2.看图片猜动画《Black Cat Detective》 Look! Oliver and Sarah are talking about a cartoon, look, which cartoon are they talking about? En, it’s about the cartoon . try to read the sentences, look at the pictures and guess the missing words. The mice are... The mice .... The cat is... The cat chases the mice. The mice are... They are... 6.Watch and check.看视频,检测自己的猜测,并完成故事 Ok, let’s watch and check our guesses. The mice are bad. The mice hurt people. The cat is angry. The cat chases the mice. The mice are afraid of him. They are happy. 7.讲解:be+表示情绪的形容词结构,来表达心情和感受。 看图片 回答问题 听录音 核对答案 快读 回答问题 看图 猜单词 看视频 核对答案 总结 学生带着问题,进行了分步的有意义的视听,并在情景中对核心句型进行了认读、练习、和迁移的练习,让学生真正能够理解、学习、操练运用此语言点。 1.Listen and repeat. 2.Look and answer. 3.Let’s retell. 4.Look and tell your partner. 5.看图练习. How does he/she they feel? He/She/They... 听音正音 回答问题 说一说 训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。 课堂小结 What have you learned today? 板书 Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A Let’s talk The mice are afraid of ... Because... chases The cat is angry with... Because... hurt... Be + 形容词 课件28张PPT。PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel?Part A Let’s talk >>Warm-upafraidsad Brain Storm happyangryworriedIt’s cold outside. Sam is talking with Sarah.Li ... ...

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