
Unit 2 My week Part B Let’s learn 课件+素材 13张PPT

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:16863007Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Two Part B第二课时 Let’s learn&Group work My week. Warm up Let’s talk. Zhang Peng often plays football on the weekend. What about Amy and Chen Jie 单击播放视频 What does Chen Jie do on weekends What does Chen Jie do on weekends wash my clothes Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. What do you do on the weekend What does Chen Jie do on weekends Do you often ….. on the weekend Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. What do you do on the weekend watch TV What does Chen Jie do on weekends Do you often ….. on the weekend Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. What do you do on the weekend do my homework What does Chen Jie do on weekends Do you often ….. on the weekend Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. What do you do on the weekend play football What does Chen Jie do on weekends Do you often ….. on the weekend Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. What do you do on the weekend read books read a book What do you often do on the weekend Constitution “滚雪球游戏” What do you often do on the weekend S1: I often do my homework. S2: I often do my homework and read books. ….. 1.抄写B. Let’s learn部分的单词。 2.两人一组练习模仿例句练习对话。 Unit Two My week Part B Let’s learn;Group work —Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend —Yes, I do. 板书设计

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