

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:15589Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018–2019学年第一学期 第二次月考八年级 英语科目试题 (满分:100分 时间: 分钟) 答案必须写在答题卡上 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1..I’m _____than my sister. A.outgoingB.outgoinger C.more outgoingD.most outgoing 2._____you work hard,I’ll buy a new computer for you. A.as long asB.as well as C.As long asD.As well as 3.Kay is _____ than I am. A.funny and outgoingB.more funnier and outgoing C.funnier and more outgoingD.more funny and outgoing 4.Don’t worry.I think you can _____ out the best _____ you. A.take;inB.bring;in C.take;atD.bring;at 5.Yuanli and I enjoy _____ together. studyB.to study C.studyingD.studied 6.Who has _____ oranges now,Jim,Lily or Lucy? A.the mostB.muchC.betterD.biggest 7.What’s the best clothes store _____? A.in a townB.in the town C.in townD.in city 8. Larry is quite different _____ me. A.to B. from C. as D. with. 9. If you don’t take these shows too _____ ,they are fun to watch. A. serious B. seriously C. most serious D. most seriously 10. I think Lily is good _____ acting. A. to B. for C. with D. at 11. I am shy, so It’s not easy for me _____ make friends. A./ B. to C.at D.too 12.He has written(写) three books_____ . A.so farB.long agoC.in 2013D.last year 13.—How do you get to school? —On foot(走路).Our school is _____ my house. different fromB.far awayC.close toD.the same as 14.What do you think of Beijing Opera? —I don’t mind _____. theseB.themC.theyD.it 15.The sitcom is very interesting.I _____ it. A.don’t mindB. don’t likeC.can’t standD.like 16.—Peter is _____ than you,right? —Yes,but he is _____ runner in our class. heavier;bestB.heavy;the bestC.heavier;the bestD.heavy;better 17.—Would you mind if I open the window(开窗)? —_____,I got a cold(感冒). You’d better not.B.Never mind.C.Of course not.D.All right. 18.I _____ in the Chinese exam(考试). A.did a good jobB.did a good workC.did good jobD.did good work 19.These cinemas have one thing _____. A.commonB.in commonC.commonlyD.on common 20.Bill’s parents are ready _____ everything for him. A.doingB.doC.to doD.does 二、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon Steamboat Willie. We all know and love the black mouse ( 21 ) two large round ears ―Mickey Mouse. This cartoon ( 22 ) in New York ( 23 ) November 18, 1928. The man( 24 ) Mickey was Walt Disney. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Mickey mouse became so popular because Mickey ( 25 ) a common man, but he always tried ( 26 ) any danger. Mickey was ( 27 ) and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. ( 28 ), he was always ready to try his best. Today’s cartoons are usually not( 29 ) simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has( 30 ) ears more famous than Mickey’s?? A.with B. have C. in D. are A. come out B. to come out C. came out D. coming out A. in B. at C. on D. to A. write B. have C. play D. behind A. like B. to like C. are like D. was like A. face B.facing C. faced ... ...

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